Friday, December 04, 2015

The latest CMS results concerning narrow dijet resonances

Lubos had a hilarious posting (no personal insults, no boasting about M-theory) about the recent report of CMS Search for narrow resonances decaying to dijets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV concerning new narrow resonances decaying to two jets in proton-proton collisions*. The general finding is that dijet distribution is smooth showing no signs for narrow resonances.

The findings are lethal for a large number of proposals for new exotic particles. It would be interesting to know
what implications if any these findings have for various indications about small anomalies (see the posting of Lubos. Lubos classifies the victims in the following groups:

  • heavy W' bosons up to 2.6 TeV (2.45 TeV)

  • color octet scalars up to 3.1 TeV (2.7 TeV)

  • excited quarks up to 5 TeV (4 TeV)

  • axigluons + colorons up to 5.1 TeV (3.6 TeV)

  • scalar diquarks up to 6 TeV (4.7 TeV)

  • string resonances up to 7 TeV (5 TeV)
The number in brackets is ATLAS 2012 upper bound. No bounds for sparticles are represented. This is a friendly gesture since SUSY proponents have been suffering more than enough during last years;-).

Every theoretician is interested primarily on the fate of his/her brainchild and I am not an exception.

  1. k=79 (Gaussian Mersenne) analogs of weak bosons as higher generation gauge bosons and leptoquarks consisting of right-handed neutrino and quarks provide an alternative explanation for the indications about breaking of leptonic universality (see this. In TGD framework these leptoquarks would be squarks - this is the fundamental difference between TGD SUSY and competing SUSYs. Scaled up masses of weak bosons would be around 3.2 TeV and also scaled up masses of k=79 quarks around 8 TeV so that these particles survive the carnage.

  2. Should I start to worry about M89 hadron physics for which the analog of pion mass scale is obtained by scaling by a factor 512? Certainly this depends on what "string resonances" is taken to mean. The mesons of M89 and even MG,79 hadron physics are modellable as string like objects: do they count as "string resonances"? The mass scale of M89 hadron physics obtained by a direct scaling from pion mass scale is around 70 GeV but p-adic length scale hypothesis allows to play with a factor of two. For MG,79 hadron physics one obtains pion mass scale 2.24 TeV.

    There is evidence from both RHIC and LHC (heavy ion collisions and proton-heavy ion collisions) for stringy objects having interpretation as dark large heff mesons. Dark M89 hadrons having the size scale of ordinary hadrons would be produced at quantum criticality in a phase transition from confined phase to unconfined phase. One could perhaps say that dark M89 partons are indeed unconfined in M89 scale, which is by a factor 1/512 smaller than M107 scale defining the size scale of their dark counterparts (heff/h= 512).

    Could the rate for the transformation of ordinary gluons (and perhaps quarks) of the ordinary M107 hadron physics to those of M89 hadron physics be very slow because their size would be reduced dramatically unless M89 hadrons are dark? Could quantum criticality be necessary to scale up the size of scale M89 hadrons to that of M107 hadrons and to achieve kind of spatial resonance effect in this manner? If so, the situation would be very similar to biology and neuroscience according to TGD. Biophotons with energies in visible and UV range would have frequencies in a very wide range including EEG frequencies and even lower frequencies.

  3. In principle TGD allows also color excitations of gauge bosons (colorons) as also color excitations of quarks and leptons and I have proposed that color excited leptons have been there since seventies but this has not disturbed colleagues. It is difficult to say anything about the p-adic length scale for the color excitations of quarks.

Addition: Adam Falkowski has the best particle physics rumours. According to Lubos he tells at this time via Twitter(@Resonaances) about indications for a bump at about 700 GeV decaying to two photons. There are earlier indications for a bump at 662 GeV. There are also indications for a bump around 140 GeV. This is 210 times pion mass. By direct scaling the corresponding neutral ρ and ω meson masses would be 770 and 782 GeV differing 10 per cent from 700 GeV? Should I hear M89 bells ringing?

Addition:TGD model for the observations about heavy ion collisions at RHIC and later about proton heavy nucleus colissions at LHC assumes that the produced M89 mesons are dark with heff/h > 512 so that they would have Compton lengths of order nucleon size although mass would be much higher than proton mass. This implies quantum coherence at least in 512 longer scale as otherwise. In perturbative QCD however quarks and gluons are treated using a kinematic approach reducing nuclei to independent partons so that the description of collisions is in terms of quark and gluon collisions. Quantum coherence implied by large heff suggest a different, holistic description. There is just a collision or not: one cannot classify the collisions by number of parton-parton collisions.

The surprising finding from RHIC is that this seems to be the case! Collisions cannot be described by classifying them by the number of parton collisions taken place. This is like spending evening in party and remembering only that one was in party but remembering nothing about the people one met.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.

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