Monday, October 24, 2016

Brain metabolic DNA as an indication for genomic R&D based on dark DNA

I learned a lot in SSE-2016 conference. For instance, the notion of brain metabolic DNA (BMD) about which Antonion Giudetta had a nice poster was a new notion to me. TGD suggests active R&D like process driving genetic evolution and I have been a little bit disappointed since epigenetics is too passive in this respect. BMD would fit with my crazy speculations.

I try to summarize my first impressions about brain metabolic DNA.

  1. The profiles for both the repetitive and non-repetitive fractions differ from native DNA and for learning rats differs from those for control rats. Stress and learning situations induce this process and it occurs at least in brain.

  2. Wikipedia lists DNA replication and repair as the basic mechanisms of DNA synthesis. They would yield essentially a copy of native DNA. Does this mean that there could be some new mechanism responsible for the synthesis?

I have worked with two new new mechanisms of DNA synthesis emerging from TGD based new biophysics for which MB consisting of magnetic flux tubes carrying dark matter identified as large heff=n× h, n integer, phases is crucial.

These new phases of ordinary particles identifiable as dark matter would make possible macroscopic quantum coherence in much longer length scales than usually for large values of n since Compton length is proportional to heff. Large heff would make living matter a macroscopic quantum system. Large heff phases would be created at quantum criticality: the large values of Compton lengths would be correlates for long range correlations and quantum fuctuations. Quantum criticality is indeed emerging as a basic aspect of living matter.

  1. The experiments of Montagnier et al suggest that remote replication of DNA involving sending information about the template strand using light is possible. Peter Gariaev's group has made similar claims much earlier. Together with Peter Gariaev we published an article in Huping Hu's journal DNADJ about remote replication of DNA before the work of Montagnier (the article is also at homepage).

    The idea is that what I call dark photons (see below) carry genetic information. Dark photons would have energies in visible and UV range and could transform to biophotons with same energy. This would make them bio-active since biomolecules have transition energy spectrum in this range. The challenge is to understand the details of the information transfer mechanism. What would be needed would be regeneration DNA or dark DNA at the receiver end using the information. How this precisely occurs is of course only a subject of speculation.

    This mechanism as such would not however apply to this situation since the ordinary DNA could not serve as template.

  2. The notion of dark DNA is one of the key new physics notions of TGD and the transcription of dark DNA to ordinary DNA could be involved with generation BMD.

    1. The proposal is that genetic code has realization at the level of "dark" nuclear physics (see this). Dark DNA would correspond to dark proton sequences having interpretation as dark nuclei. Darkness would mean that the protons are in phase with non-standard value of Planck constant given by heff=n× h, n integer which can vary. The value of heff learns as a kind of intelligence quotient since it tells the scales of long term memory and intentional action and also the size scale of the system). It could serve as intelligence quotient of cells and pyramidal neurons generating EEG as Josephson radiation (frequency of Josephson radiation is f= 2eV/heff in terms of membrane potential V) could be the neuronal intellectuals).

    2. Dark DNA could accompany ordinary DNA as parallel dark proton strands. The negative phosphate charge would neutralize the positive charge of dark protons so that the system would be classically stable. The ability to pair in this manner would quite generally select preferred biomolecules as winners in evolution.

    3. For instance, the transcription of dark DNA to ordinary DNA is possible: dark DNA would serve as template for the ordinary DNA codons. Dark variants of biomolecules could make possible R&D in living matter. Evolution would not be by random mutations plus selection but intentional and more analogous to occurring in R&D laboratories.

    4. If dark DNA strands were used as tempates in the generation of BMD one could understand why learning BMD differs from the native DNA. Primarily the dark DNA would be modified as a response to learning and the modification would be transcribed to that of ordinary DNA.

      The interesting question is whether these changes could also be transferred to the germ cells say by sending the information in form of light and generating copies of newly generated DNA portions replacing the original ones.

See the chapter Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time. See also the article Comments about the representations in SSE-2016 conference about consciousness, biology, and paranormal phenomena .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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