Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Could the two photon emissions of dark particles reveal the value of heff?

Again a new anomaly! Photon pairs have been created by a new mechanism. Photons emerge at different points! See this.

Could this give support for the TGD based general model for elementary particle as a string like object (flux tube) with first end (wormhole contact) carrying the quantum numbers - in the case of gauge boson fermion and antifermion at opposite throats of the contact. Second end would carry neutrino-right-handed neutrino pair neutralizing the possible weak isospin. This would give only local decays. Also emissions of photons from charged particle would be local.

Could the bosonic particle be a mixture of two states. For the first state flux tube would have fermion and antifermion at the same end of the fluxtube: only local decays. For the second state fermion and antifermion would reside at the ends of the flux tubes residing at throats associated with different wormhole contacts. This state in state would give rise to non-local two-photon emissions. Mesons of hadron physics would correspond to this kind of states and in old-fashioned hadron physics one speaks about photon-vector meson mixing in the description of the photon-hadron interactions.

If the Planck constant heff/h=n of the emitting particle is large, the distance between photon emissions would be long. The non-local days could make the visible both exotic decay and allow to deduce the value of n! This would how require the transformation of emitted dark photon to ordinary (same would happen when dark photons transform to biophotons).

Can one say anything about the length of fux tube? Magnetic flux tube contains fermionic string. The length of this string is of order Compton length and of the order of p-adic length scale.

What about photon itself - could it have non-local fermion-antifermion decays based on the same mechanism? What the length of photonic string is is not clear. Photon is massless, no scales! One identification of length would be as wavelength defining also the p-adic length scale.

To sum up: the nonlocal decays and emissions could lend strong support for both flux tube identification of particles and for hierarchy of Planck constants. It might be possible to even measure the value of n associated with quantum critical state by detecting decays of this kind.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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