Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New insights about quantum criticality for twistor lift inspired by analogy with ordinary criticality

Quantum criticality (QC) is one of the basic ideas of TGD. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) is second key notion and leads to a theory of consciousness as a formulation of quantum measurement theory solving the basic paradox of standard quantum measurement theory, which is usualy tried to avoid by introducing some "interpretation".

ZEO allows to see quantum theory could be seen as "square root" of thermodynamics. It occurred to me that it would be interesting to apply this vision in the case of quantum criticality to perhaps gain additional insights about its meaning. We have a picture about criticality in the framework of thermodynamics: what would be the analogy in ZEO based interpretation of Quantum TGD? Could it help to understand more clearly the somewhat poorly understood views about the notion of self, which as a quantum physical counterpart of observer becomes in ZEO a key concept of fundamental physics?

The basic ingredients involved are discrete coupling constant evolution, zero energy ontology (ZEO) implying that quantum theory is analogous to "square root" of thermodynamics, self as generalized Zeno effect as counterpart of observer made part of the quantum physical system, M8-M4× CP2 duality, and quantum criticality. A further idea is that vacuum functional is analogous to a thermodynamical partition function as exponent of energy E= TS-PV.

The correspondence rules are simple. The mixture of phases with different 3-volumes per particle in a critical region of thermodynamical system is replaced with a superposition of space-time surfaces of different 4-volumes assignable to causal diamonds (CDs) with different sizes. Energy E is replaced with action S for preferred extremals defining Kähler function in the "world of classical worlds" (WCW). S is sum of Kähler action and 4-volume term, and these terms correspond to entropy and volume in the generalization E= TS-PV → S. P resp. T corresponds to the inverse of Kähler coupling strength αK resp. cosmological constant Λ. Both have discrete spectrum of values determined by number theoretically determined discrete coupling constant evolution. Number theoretical constraints force the analog of micro-canonical ensemble so that S as the analog of E is constant for all 4-surfaces appearing in the quantum superposition. This implies quantization rules for Kähler action and volume, which are very strong since αK is complex.

This kind of quantum critical zero energy state is created in unitary evolution created in single step in the process defining self as a generalized Zeno effect. This unitary process implying time delocalization is followed by a weak measurement reducing the state to a fixed CD so that the clock time idenfified as the distance between its tips is well-defined. The condition that the action is same for all space-time surfaces in the superposition poses strong quantization conditions between the value of Kähler action (Kähler coupling strength is complex) and volume term proportional to cosmological constant. The outcome is that after sufficiently large number of steps no space-time surfaces satisfying the conditions can be found, and the first reduction to the opposite boundary of CD must occur - self dies. This is the classical counterpart for the fact that eventually all state function reduction leaving the members of state pairs at the passive boundary of CD invariant are made and the first reduction to the opposite boundary remains the only option.

The generation of magnetic flux tubes provides a manner to satisfy the constancy conditions for the action so that the existing phenomenology as well as TGD counterpart of cyclic cosmology as re-incarnations of cosmic self follows as a prediction.

This picture generalizes to the twistor lift of TGD and cosmology provides an interesting application. One ends up with a precise model for the p-adic coupling constant evolution of the cosmological constant Λ explaining the positive sign and smallness of Λ in long length scales as a cancellation effect for M4 and CP2 parts of the Kähler action for the sphere of twistor bundle in dimensional reduction, a prediction for the radius of the sphere of M4 twistor bundle as Compton length associated with Planck mass (2π times Planck length), and a prediction for the p-adic coupling constant evolution for Λ and coupling strength of M4 part of Kähler action giving also insights to the CP breaking and matter antimatter asymmetry. The observed two values of Λ could correspond to two different p-adic length scales differing by a factor of 21/2.

See the article The Recent View about Twistorialization in TGD Framework of "Towards M-matrix" or the shorter article New insights about quantum criticality for twistor lift inspired by analogy with ordinary criticality.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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