Friday, March 15, 2019

Minimal surfaces: comparison of the perspectives of mathematician and physicist

The popular article Math Duo Maps the Infinite Terrain of Minimal Surfaces was an exceptional representative of its species. It did not irritate the reader with non-sense hype but gave very elegant and thought provoking representation of very abstract ideas in mathematics.

The article told about the work of mathematicians Fernando Coda Marques and Andre Neves based on the thesis of John Pitts about minimal surfaces but forgotten by mathematics community. Minimal surfaces are also central in TGD - in TGD Universe space-times are minimal surfaces with lower-dimensional singularities - and this motivated an article representing minimal surfaces from the point of view of mathematician and physicist. The view is highly subjective since the physicist is me. In the article I discuss the basic ideas about minimal surfaces, summarize the basic mathematical results of Marques and Neves, and discuss minimal surfaces from TGD point of view.

See the article Minimal surfaces: comparison of the perspectives of mathematician and physicist or the chapter The Recent View about Twistorialization in TGD Framework.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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