Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Zero energy ontology and quantum model for nerve pulse

In TGD based model of nerve pulse axonal membrane is generalized cylindrical Josephson junction defined by axonal membrane consisting of smaller Josephson junctions defined by membrane proteins.

  1. A sequence of mathematical penduli along axon in rotation in the same direction is the mechanical analog. Oscillation frequency Ω transforming to a rotation frequency above critical value is proportional to the resting potential V. When V is overcritical, the pendulum starts to rotate instead of oscillating. The system should be near quantum criticality for the transformation of rotation to oscillation or vice versa.

  2. During nerve pulse membrane potential and therefore also rotation frequency is reduced and changes sign and then returns back to the original value. The first guess is that at criticality there is a kick reducing the rotation frequency Ω and continuing to change its sign and then return it to original.

The basic condition is that resting state becomes critical at critical hyper-polarization. There are two options for the resting state.
  1. According to the original model resting state can be regarded as a soliton sequence associated with the phase difference over the membrane. More concretely, the mathematical penduli rotate in same direction with phase difference between determining the propagation velocity of solitons. The rotation frequency is slightly above that for oscillation. There is a preferred direction along axon. This conforms with the reduction and change of sign of potential and thus of Ω.

    Problem: Hypo- rather than hyper-polarization should cause the nerve pulse as a transformation of rotation to oscillation. Something goes wrong.

  2. Alternatively, the penduli almost rotate being near criticality for the rotation: the penduli almost reaches the vertical position at each oscillation as required by criticality. That hyper-polarization would cause the nerve pulse as propagating soliton conforms with this idea.

    Problem: Ω and thus V should increase rather than reduce and even change sign temporarily.

Neither option seems to work as such but the first option is more plausible as a starting point of an improved model.

The membrane potential changes sign suggesting quantum jump. Could zero energy ontology (ZEO) based view about quantum jump as "big" (ordinary) state function reduction (BSFR) help? Could nerve pulse correspond to BSFR?

  1. Could BSFR occur changing temporarily the arrow of time in ZEO and induce nerve pulse. Could opposite BSFR take place after this in millisecond scale and establish the original arrow of time. Using the language of TGD inspired theory of consciousness a conscious entity, sub-self or mental image, would die and reincarnate with an opposite arrow of time, live for the duration of nerve pulse and then die and reincarnate with the original arrow of time. Nerve pulse would be a propagation of a temporary neuron death along the axon and would occur as neuron becomes hyper-polarized.

  2. In the article about the recent findings of Minev et al related to quantum jump in atomic physics are discussed. ZEO predicting that the arrow of time is changed in BSFR. This would create the illusion that discontinuous quantum jumps correspond to a classical time evolution leading smoothly and deterministically to the final state.

    This because BSFR leads to a state with reversed arrow of time, which corresponds to a superposition of classical time evolutions leading from the final state to the geometric past and it this, which is observed.
    This would also explain why the removal of the irradiation inducing quantum jumps has no effect during the transition process and why a stimulation inducing opposite quantum jump can stop the process. Also the findings of Libet related to the active aspects of consciousness showing that neural activity seems to preceded volitional act can be understood in this framework without giving up the notion of free will.

    The first half of the nerve pulse would correspond to this apparent evolution to the time reversed final state with opposite membrane potential but actually being time reversed evolution from the final state. The second half of nerve pulse would correspond to opposite state function reduction establishing the original arrow of time. This model looks attractive but many details remain to be checked.

Why hyper-polarization should cause the temporary death of neuron or its subself?
  1. Metabolic energy feed is needed to preserve the polarization of neuron since membrane potential tends to get reduced by second law stating that all gradients are bound to decrease. There should be some maximal polarization possible to preserve using the existing metabolic energy resources.

  2. Does quantum jump to a state with opposite arrow of time happen as this limit is reached? Why? Could the metabolic energy feed stop causing the neuron to die to starvation? Why the death of neuron should happen so fast? Could the quantum criticality against the change of rotation to oscillation be the reason. When neuron cannot rotate anymore it would die immediately: the mental image "I am rotating" would die and reincarnate as its time reversal. Does the neuron feeded by metabolic energy become a provider metabolic energy during this period somewhat like dead organisms after their death. Can one conclude that this energy goes to some purpose inside neuron?

See the article Quantum self-organization by heff changing phase transitions or the chapter Quantum model for nerve pulse.

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