Sunday, October 13, 2019

The implications of TGD view about magnetic fiels for superconductivity

TGD predicts two kinds of magnetic fields depending on whether flux tubes carry monopole flux or not. In Maxwellian framework flux tubes cannot carry any monopole flux. In TGD based model of high Tc superconductivity (see this and this) monopole flux tubes current carriers are dark having nonstandard value heff=n× h0 of effective Planck constant. Also in bio-superconductivity monopole flux tubes are current carriers. An open question has been whether also ordinary super-conductivity could correspond to monopole flux tubes and I have considered the possibility that this is the case.

The recent progress in understanding the relationship between two kinds of magnetic fields (see for instance this and this) allows to consider more precisely the relationship between these two kinds of super-conductivities. In particular, one can try to understand Meissner effect in ordinary super-conductivity and its absence in the predicted super-conductivity based on monopole flux tubes. The conclusion is that ordinary super-conductivity corresponds to ordinary flux tubes and that Meissner effect has no counterpart in monopole superconductivity.

It is best to start from the ordinary super-conductivity by making an unpleasant question. Meissner effect relates to the possible penetration of magnetic field to super-conductor. Supra-current creates a local magnetic field. Why doesn't this magnetic field destroy super-conductivity?

The answer would be in TGD space-time following.

  1. The super-conductor consists of parallel cylindrical tubes carrying supra-currents at their boundaries. These currents create magnetic fields rotating around the cylinders but have no component in z- direction. Magnetic fields vanish at the boundaries of the cylinders.

  2. Superconductors can be classified to two types. For superconductors of type I one has λ/ξ<1/21/2 whereas for superconductors of type II one has λ/ξ>1/21/2. Here λ is the magnetic penetration length, which is roughly the radius of magnetic flux tube. ξ is the coherence length which is roughly the radius of cylinder carrying supra current at its boundary.

    Supra-current generates vortices and in this manner serves as a source for magnetic field inside magnetic flux tube of field possibly penetrating into superconductor. Flux tube must contain at least one current carrying flux tube. This cannot the case for superconductor of type I. Therefore, when ordinary magnetic field penetrates to super-conductor of type I above critical value of B, it must do so in the entire super-conductor. For superconductor of type II magnetic field can penetrate superconductor of type II in a cylinder of radius of order λ containing several current carrying cylinders. In this region the super-conductivity is destroyed since supra currents have component rotating along the cylinder giving rise to a longitudinal magnetic field inside the cylinder.

What about Meissner effect in monopole superconductors?
  1. Monopole flux does not require current as its source. Therefore Meissner effect does not prevent super-conductivity by requiring the super-current to be rotational to generate the magnetic field.

  2. Also now the presence of supra current inside monopole flux tube serves as a source for an additional rotational contribution to the magnetic field and the rotor of this additional contribution equals to the supra current. Monopole flux tube is deformed as a consequence. This does not however make supra-current rotational.

    Monopole superconductor can be said to be intermediate between types I and II since both coherence length and magnetic length correspond to flux tube radius. A possible interpretation is that monopole superconductivity is at quantum criticality between superconductivities of type I and II.

  3. The most plausible option is that the penetration of ordinary magnetic field to monopole super-conductor occur along non-monopole flux tubes at different space-time sheets so that it would therefore not spoil the super-conductivity at the monopole flux tubes.

See the chapter Quantum model for bio-superconductivity: part II .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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