Monday, January 06, 2020

Findings challenging the notion of dark energy

Nikolina Benedikovic gave a very interesting link to a popular article describing a finding challenging the notion of dark energy.

This finding is very interesting since twistor lift of TGD predicts length scale dependent cosmological constant.

I try to collect the basic facts first.

  1. Standard candle property is essential assumption leading to dark energy hypothesis. It states that the distance corrected luminosity of SN Ia supernovae does not evolve with redshift that it is it depends only on distance. See .

  2. Observation: The luminosity of SN Ia supernova correlates strongly with the population age of the host galaxy. The luminosity thus depends on the environment provided by the host galaxy.

  3. This is in conflict with the standard candle property if the population age of the host galaxy decreases with distance. This is obvious in standard cosmology. But is this true in TGD Universe obeying zero energy ontology (ZEO)?

In ZEO the situation might be different. ZEO provides a quantum measurement theory solving the basic paradox of standard quantum measurement theory and leads to a theory of consciousness.
  1. The first prediction is that geometric time and experienced time identified as sequence of "small" state function reductions (SSFRs as counterparts of weak measurements) are not same. This is of course an empirical fact - thermodynamical time is irreversible unlike geometric time, etc... but in standard ontology these times are identified. See http://tgdtheory.f/public_html/articles/zeoquestions.pdf .

  2. In small state function reductions (SSFRs) as counterparts of weak measurements) arrow of time does not change and their sequence defines self as conscious entity. In big (ordinary) state function reductions (BSFRs) the system "dies" and reincarnates with opposite arrow of time. The experiments of Minev et all provide direct support for ZEO in atomic systems. Libet's findings support this in neuroscience. See http://tgdtheory.f/public_html/articles/Bohrdead.pdf .

  3. Assume that the size of the causal diamond (CD) decreases in "reincarnation" that is self experiences "childhood". If so the size of CD can remain bounded. Irrespective of this assumption the temporal center of mass position of CD in imbedding space H=M^4xCP_2 remains the same during the sequence of reincarnations.

    !!Most importantly: the steady motion towards future assumed in standard ontology with single arrow of time is replaced with forth-and-back motion in time with constant cm position of CD in H.

  4. ZEO explains several time anomalies such stars older than the universe and the observation that the nuclear abundances of very distance stars seem to have nearly their modern values supporting the view that the population age of galaxy does not depend significantly on distance (see this) .

    In particular, the age distribution for the populations of galaxies would not depend significantly on distance - standard candle hypothesis would be saved!

See the article Cosmic string model for the formation of galaxies and stars or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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