Thursday, February 27, 2020

Could solar system be modelled as a miniature version of spiral galaxy?

The fractality of the TGD Universe motivates a model for planetary systems as miniature version of the model of spiral galaxy discussed in (see this). The first two key elements are many-sheeted space-time, the notion of magnetic flux tubes - both monopole flux tubes and gravitational flux tubes without monopole flux - and the identification of dark matter as phases of ordinary matter labelled by effective Planck constant heff=n× h0 (h=6h0 is a good guess (see this, this and this). Also the TGD generalization of Nottale's model for planetary system as analog of Bohr atom characterized by large gravitational Planck constant hgr identified as heff is in a key role (see this) and this).

A further key aspect is the prediction of twistor lift of TGD (see this) and this) that cosmological constant is length scale dependent and characterizes various systems in all scales. The phase transitions reducing the cosmological constant lead to expansion of space-time sheet and define a sequence of jerks replacing smooth cosmic expansion for astrophysical objects expected in standard cosmology but not observed.

TGD provides a model for "cold fusion" based on dark fusion (see this) and suggests the possibility of fusion outside stellar cores perhaps serving as "warm-up band" for hot fusion during pre-stellar evolution. Also a new view about nuclear fusion in stellar interiors is suggestive (see this).

I did not originally end up with the model to be discussed from general theoretical considerations.

  1. The first empirical input were the problems related to the collision - and accretion models for the formation of planets - TGD allows to consider the replacement of these models with quantal model involving the dark nuclear fusion in planetary cores.

  2. The discovery of "too" heavy blackholes and neutron stars by LIGO (see this) suggesting that TGD view about the formation of also planets could provide understanding about the role of angular momentum.

  3. There are also problems related to the understanding of the entire planetary system: the dramatic difference between terrestrial and giant planets is not really understood.

The problematic aspects of the Bohr orbit model together with the poorly understood differences between terrestrial and giant planets lead to a proposal that phase transition increasing the ℏgr by factor 5 and accompanying a transition reducing the length scale dependent cosmological constant Λ could have scaled up the orbital radii of former inner planets. The transition could have also scaled up the radii of the former inner planets so that they became giant planet.

See the article Could solar system be modelled as a miniature version of spiral galaxy? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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