Monday, February 17, 2020

New results about dark DNA inspired by the model for remote DNA replication

In TGD inspired vision about quantum biology relying on the notion of magnetic body (MB) carrying dark matter as phases of ordinary matter with effective Planck constant heff=n× h0 one ends up with the notion of dark DNA realized as sequences of dark protons and to the surprising finding that dark proton triplets realize vertebrate genetic code and basic biomolecules DNA,RNA,tRNA, and amino-acids.

The objection against dark photon 3-chords (3-photon states) is that the simultaneous emission of 3 dark photons used in communications as 6-bit unit is extremely non-probable. A possible solution of the problem is that dark photons carry number theoretic color associated with Z3 sub-group of Galois group. Number theoretic color confinement would imply that only 3-chords can appear as asymptotic states analogous to baryons. If dark protons are also number theoretic color triplet, dark codons must consists of 3 protons and therefore also ordinary codons have 3 letters.

The findings of Montagnier et al (see this) raise the possibility of remote replication of DNA. Montangier's experiment involves two chambers A and B. A contained water and genes and B water and DNA nucleotides. There were channels between the chambers but so thin that DNA could not get through. Besides this there was present em field with 7 Hz frequency. Same genes as in A appeared also in B. As if remote replication of genes in A had happened in B. I have written an articles about Montagnier's findings. Gariaev has reported similar phenomenon already before Montagnier et al: we wrote together an article discussing TGD based model for the finding.

How did the genetic information pass to B and how the remote replication took place? Somehow the radiation made the remote metabolism possible or at least more probable. Clearly the information about gene - not only about codons but also about their order and relative positions - should have been communicated from A to B. I have already earlier considered this problem but found no satisfactory solution to it.

Concerning the role of the 7 Hz frequency, there are two hints.

  1. The nominal value of the lowest Schumann frequency is 7.8 Hz, not far from 7 Hz. Could one think that macroscopic quantum coherence in the scale of Earth was involved. 7.8 Hz correspond to wavelength equal to circumference of Earth.

  2. "Endogenous" magnetic field Bend=.2 Gauss identifiable as the monopole flux part of the Earth's magnetic field BE= .5 Gauss explains the findings of Blackmanand others about quantal looking effects of radiation at frequencies seem to be multiples of cyclotron frequencies of biologically important ions.

    The problem is that the energies of cyclotron photons are ridiculously small for ordinary value of Planck constant. This was one of the motivations for the hypothesis that dark matter corresponds to phases of ordinary matter with effective Planck constant heff=n× h0. The cyclotron frequency of K ion is fc(K+) =7.1 Hz. The flux tubes with length of corresponding cyclotron frequency are also of the order of Earth circumference.

This raises several questions.
  1. Did water generate flux tubes with magnetic field with frequency equal to fc(K+) =7.1 Hz and strengthening coupling to a radiation with Schumann frequency or K cyclotron frequency or both so that the communications with the MB of Earth or/and layer of MB corresponding to K cyclotron was strengthened? The TGD based mechanism of water memory would be involved.

  2. Did this make the remote replication more probable? How?

  3. What DNA actually looks like in TGD Universe? What actually happens in DNA replication? What could happen in remote DNA replication?

In the sequel the questions whether cyclotron frequency or Schumann frequency or both were involved and how their presence made possible remote replication remain without detailed answer although it is clear that the presence of dark photons with this frequency should make possible the control by MB generating coherence of ordinary matter in the scale determined by the sizes of the chambers. These questions however led to a considerable increase in the understanding of dark variants of genetic code predicted by TGD.
  1. To understand remote replication one must understand replication. Dark codons do not decompose into letters like chemical codons: this poses strong constraints on the replication and transcription if one assumes DDNA-DNA-pairing. These constraints strongly suggests that the nucleotides in the water environment of DNA are not actually free but form loosely bound triplets representing codons and bound with DDNAs. This means a new variant of genetic code realizing codons as loose triplets of nucleotides in the water environment.

  2. This proposal brings in mind TGD based model for viruses, which can decompose into pieces shared between several host cells and re-combine later as also the observation that the dense states of bacteria population have resemblance to multi-cellular embryos. The common TGD inspired explanation would be that the pieces of virus and cells of bacterial population are connected by magnetic flux tubes and form a single loosely bound unit at the level of MB. The prediction is that replication occurs in codon-wise manner: this has been observed to be possible for RNA. It might be that the loose nature of exotic DNA codons allows this to occur quite generally.

  3. Remote replication in this framework reduces to ordinary replication in TGD sense if also dark genes are formed by attaching flux tubes characterizing dark codons to a long flux tube associated with gene. Remote replication requires that the portion of dark gene accompanying ordinary gene is transferred from chamber A to chamber B in the experiment of Montagnier.

See the article New results about dark DNA inspired by the model for remote DNA replication or the chapter Quantum Mind, Magnetic Body, and Biological Body.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

1 comment:

Wes said...
