Sunday, June 21, 2020

New evidence for two values of Hubble constant

Sabine Hossenfelder tells about a further evidence for the Hubble constant discrepancy and refers to this popular article discussing new kind of local measurements independent of other measurements also giving 10 per cent higher value than the value deduce from CMB measurements in much longer scales.

In the many-sheeted cosmology of TGD the cosmic parameters are length scale dependent. The natural guess is that the two measurements could correspond to sHubble constant in different p-adic length scales. The naive dimensional guess based inspired by the p-adic length scale hypothesis would suggest that Hubble constant could come as half octaves. The ratio of the two values is however around .1 much nearer to unity than 2-1/2≈.71.

Some time there was a popular article about a possible explanation of Hubble constant discrepancy (see this). The article told about a proposal of Lucas Lombriser discussed in the article Consistency of the local Hubble constant with the cosmic microwave background (see this) for an explanation of this discrepancy. The proposal is that the local region around our galaxy having size of order few hundred Mly - this is the scale of the large voids forming a honeycomb like structure containing galaxies at their boundaries - has average density of the matter 1/2 of that elsewhere.

This would fit nicely with the TGD picture. I do not bother to repeat the argument given in the earlier blog posting. The point is that in TGD the string tension of magnetic flux tubes comes by p-adic length scale hypothesis in powers of 2. The density of matter is generated by the decay of matter and energy of cosmic string like objects to ordinary matter as they thicken to flux tubes. If the string tension of local void is by a factor 1/2 smaller than for a typical void, the density of ordinary matter would be smaller by this factor. One could say that local void would be a forerunner in cosmic evolution. This is of cousre highly interesting from the persperctive of biological evolution, in particular Fermi paradox).

To sum up, this model would rely on the prediction that there are two kinds of flux tubes and that the cosmic evolution proceeds by phase transitions increasing p-adic length scale by half octave reducing the energy density by factor 1/2 at flux tubes. The local void would be one step further in cosmic evolution as compared to a typical void.

See the article The problem of two Hubble constants or the chapter More about TGD and Cosmology.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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