Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Binaural beat as a support for TGD view about brain

The phenomenon known as binaural beat see this) provides support for the TGD view about the brain. Binaural beat occurs when sound waves with slightly different frequencies arrive in both ears. The beat can be understood as interference due to the time-varying phase difference of the waves. What is heard is the difference frequency, even when it is below 20 Hz - for instance 10 Hz-, and therefore not audible. The amplitude modulation with 10 Hz would be perceived, not the 10 Hz frequency. Strangely, the binaural beat occurs also when the signals arrive only to separated ears so that interference is not possible. In the standard neuroscience binarual beat is a mystery.

The TGD based explanation could be that the sound waves generate dark photon signals propagating along flux tubes and having classical em waves as correlates. The waves from different ears would interfere if the flux tubes meet at some point in the brain located at auditory areas perhaps. The first option is that this interference gives rise to the experience of the binaural beat and superposes with the sensory input assigned to ears (one cannot exclude the possibility that the sensory qualia are assigned to virtual sensory organs in the brain). Second option is that the virtual sensory input as feedback sent back to ears as dark photons superpose to the sensory input from ears.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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