Monday, November 30, 2020

Zero energy ontology, hierarchy of Planck constants, and Kaehler metric replacing unitary S-matrix: three pillars of new quantum theory

TGD predicts revolution in quantum theory based on three new principles.
  1. ZEO solving the basic paradox of quantum measurement theory. Ordinary ("big") state function reduction involves time reversal forcing a generalization of thermodynamics and leading to a theory of quantum self-organization and self-organized quantum criticality (homeostasis in living matter).
  2. Phases of ordinary matter labelled by effective Planck constant heff=nh0 identified as dark matter and explaining the coherence of living matter in terms of dark matter at magnetic body serving as a master, and predicting quantum coherence in all scales at the level of magnetic bodies. heff/h0=n has interpretation as the dimension for an extension of rationals and is a measure of algebraic complexity. Evolution corresponds to the increase of n.

    Extensions of rationals are associated with adelic physics providing description of sensory experience in terms of real physics and of cognition in terms of p-adic physics. Central notion is cognition representation providing unique discretization of X4 in terms of points with imbedding space coordinates in the extension of rationals considered M8-H duality realizes the hierarchy of rational extensions and assigns them to polynomials defining space-time regions at the level of M8 and mapped to minimal surfaces in H by M8-H duality.

  3. The replacement of the unitary S-matrix with the Kähler metric of the Kähler space defined by WCW spinor fields satisfying the analog of unitarity and predicting positive definite transition probabilities defining matrix in Teichmueller space. Einstein's geometrization of classical physics extends to the level of state space, Equivalence Principle generalizes, and interactions are coded by the geometry of the state space rather than by an ad hoc unitary matrix. Kähler geometry for the spinor bundle of WCW has Riemann connection only for a maximal group of isometries identified as super-symplectic transformations (SS). This makes the theory unique and leads to explicit analogs of Feynman rules and to a proof that theory is free of divergences.
In this article the third principle, which is new, is formulated and some of its consequences are discussed. The detailed formulation allows understanding of how normal ordering divergences and other divergences cancel.

See the article Zero energy ontology, hierarchy of Planck constants, and Kähler metric replacing unitary S-matrix: three pillars of new quantum theory or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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