Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Aging from TGD point of view

The article "Aging from TGD point of view" written together with Reza Rastmanesh was inspired by the book "Lifespan" by Sinclair and LaPlante. The books proposed that aging is basically  caused by the approach to epigenetic  chaos. The book also proposesthat bio-information is not only associated with DNA and genetic code but the  conformational  degrees of DNA and these are crucial in epigenesis. This vision  serves as the starting point of   TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) inspired view. 

Negentropy Maximization principle replacing in adelic physics second law but implying it for ordinary matter is the first key notion. Magnetic body (MB )carrying dark matter as heff=nh0 phases of ordinary matter  implying quantum coherence in the scale characterized by heff represents the second key notion. MB is the controller of the dynamics and its quantum coherence induces the coherence  of ordinary biomatter as forced coherence rather than quantum coherence.  

 Zero energy ontology (ZEO) predicting the occurrence of time reversal in "big" (ordinary) state function reductions is the third key notion.   Time reversal forces generalization of thermodynamics and dissipation of a subsystem with a reversed arrow of time looks like self-organization from the point of view of the system. Also self-organized quantum criticality difficult to understand in ordinary thermodynamics becomes possible.

The basic idea is that at birth  the  MBs of information molecules are at very low temperature and gradually approach the  physiological temperature, which is near to Hagedorn temperature defining the maximal temperature of MB. This thermalization leads to epigenetic chaos implying that the flux tubes carrying dark DNA and therefore also  DNA become loopy. Also the control of methylation and other modifications and their reversals   crucial for epigenesis is lost. In particular, demethylation fails  and leads to hyper-methylation of the  promoter regions of genes. This leads to the failure of the control of genes coding for housekeeping  proteins and eventually the system suffers a crash down.

See the article Aging from TGD point of view or the chapter chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD. 

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