Monday, March 01, 2021

Support for the quantization of Planck constant from the decays of heavy nuclei

That final state nuclei from the fission of heavy nuclei possess a rather high spin has been known since the discovery of nuclear fission 80 years ago but has remained poorly understood.

The recent surprising finding published in Nature article "Angular momentum generation in nuclear fission" (see this) was that the final state angular momenta for the final state nuclei are uncorrelated and must therefore emerge after the decays. This represents a challenge for TGD inspired model of nuclei as nuclear strings, and one ends up to a rather detailed model for what happens in the fissions.

The TGD proposal is that the generation of angular momentum is a kind of self-organization process. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) and heff hierarchy indeed predicts self-organization in all scales. Self-organization involves energy feed needed to increase heff/h0= n serving as a measure for algebraic complexity and as a kind of universal IQ in the number theoretical vision about cognition based on adelic physics.

The observation that the final state nuclei have angular momenta 6-7 hbar suggests that self-organization increase the values of heff to nh, n∈ {6,7}. Quantization of angular momentum with new unit of spin forces the generation of large spins. Also zero energy ontology (ZEO) is involved: ZEO provides a new element to the description of self-organization and a model for quantum tunnelling phenomenon.

See the article The decays of heavy nuclei as support for nuclear string model .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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