Friday, January 21, 2022

About the relationship of Kaehler approach to the standard picture

The replacement of the notion of unitary S-matrix with Kähler metric of fermionic state space generalizes the notion of unitarity. The rows of the matrix defined by the contravariant metric are orthogonal to the columns of the covariant metric in the inner product (T○ U)ABbar = TACbar ηCbarDUDBbar, where ηCbarD is flat contravariant Kähler metric of state space. Although the probabilities are complex, their real parts sum up to 1 and the sum of the imaginary parts vanishes.

The counterpart of the optical theorem in TGD framework

The optical theorem generalizes. In the standard form of the optical theorem i(T-T)mm=2Im(T) = TTmm states that the imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude is proportional to the total scattering rate. Both quantities are physical observables.

In the TGD framework the corresponding statement

TABbarηBbar CABbarTBbar C +TABbarTBbar C=0 .

Note that here one has G= η+ T, where G and T are hermitian matrices. The correspondence with the standard situation would require the definition G= η +iU. The replacement T→ T= iU, where U is antihermitian matrix, gives

One has

i[UABbarηBbarC + ηABbarIBbarC] = UABbarUBbar C .

This statement does not reduce to single condition but gives two separate conditions.

  1. The first condition is analogous to Optical Theorem:

    Im[ηABbarUCBbar+UABbarηBbarC]=- Re[UABbarUBbar C] = Re[UABbarUCBbar] .

  2. Second condition is new and reflects the fact that the probabilities are complex. It is necessary to guarantee that the sum of the probabilities reduces to the sum of their real parts.

    Re[ηABbarUCBbar+UABbarηBbarC]= -Im[UABbarUCBbar] .

    The challenge would be to find a physical meaning for the imaginary parts of scattering probabilities. This is discussed in (see this). The idea is that the imaginary parts could make themselves visible in a Markov process involving a power of the complex probability matrix.

In the applications of the optical theorem, the analytic properties of the scattering matrix T make it possible to construct the amplitude as a function of mass shell momenta using its discontinuity at the real axis. Indeed, 2Im(T) for the forward scattering amplitude can be identified as the discontinuity Disc(T).

In the recent case, this identification would suggests the generalization

Disc[TABbarηBbarC]= TABbarηBbar CABbarTCBbar .

Therefore covariant and contravariant Kähler metric could be limits of the same analytic function from different sides of the real axis. One assigns the hermitian conjugate of S-matrix to the time reflection. Are covariant and contravariant forms of Kähler metric related by time reversal? Does this mean that T symmetry is violated for a non-flat Kähler metric.

The emergence of QFT type scattering amplitudes at long length scale limit

The basic objection against the proposal for the scattering amplitudes is that they are non-vanishing only at mass shells with m2=n. A detailed analysis of this objection improves the understanding about how the QFT limit of TGD emerges.

  1. The restriction to the mass shells replaces cuts of QFT approach with a discrete set of masses. The TGD counterpart of unitarity and optical theorem holds true at the discrete mass shells.
  2. The p-adic mass scale for the reaction region is determined by the largest ramified prime RP for the functional composite of polynomials characterizing the Galois singlets participating in the reaction. For large values of ramified prime RP for the reaction region, the p-adic mass scale increases and therefore the momentum resolution improves.
  3. For large enough RP below measurement resolution, one cannot distinguish the discrete sequence of poles from a continuum, and it is a good approximation to replace the discrete set of mass shells with a cut. The physical analogy for the discrete set of masses along the real axis is as a set of discrete charges forming a linear structure. When their density becomes high enough, the description as a line charge is appropriate and in 2-D electrostatistics this replaces the discrete set of poles with a cut.
This picture suggests that the QFT type description emerges at the limit when RP becomes very large. This kind of limit is discussed in the article considering the question whether a notion of a polynomial of infinite degree as an iterate of a polynomial makes sense (see this). It was found that the number of the roots is expected to become dense in some region of the real line so that effectively the QFT limit is approached.
  1. If the polynomial characterizing the scattering region corresponds to a composite of polynomials participating in the reaction, its degree increases with the number of external particles. At the limit of an infinite number of incoming particles, the polynomial approaches a polynomial of infinite degree. This limit also means an approach to a chaos as a functional iteration of the polynomial defining the space-time surface (see this). In the recent picture, the iteration would correspond to an addition of particles of a given type characterized by a fixed polynomial. Could the characteristic features for the approach of chaos by iteration, say period doubling, be visible in scattering in some situations. Could p-adic length scale hypothesis stating that p-adic primes near powers of two are favored, relate to this.
  2. For a large number of identical external particles, the functional composite defining RG involves iteration of polynomials associated with particles of a particular kind, if their number is very large. For instance, the radiation of IR photons and IR gravitons in the reaction increases the degree of RP by adding to P very high iterates of a photonic or gravitonic polynomial.

    Gravitons could have a large value of ramified prime as the approximately infinite range of gravitational interaction and the notion of gravitational Planck constant (see this) originally proposed by Nottale suggest. If this is the case, graviton corresponds to a polynomial of very high degree, which increases the p-adic length scale of the reaction region and improves the momentum resolution. If the number of gravitons is large, this large RP appears at very many steps of the SFR cascade.

A connection with dual resonance models

There is an intriguing connection with the dual resonances models discussed already in (see this).

  1. The basic idea behind the original Veneziano amplitudes (see this) was Veneziano duality. The 4-particle amplitude of Veneziano was generalized by Yoshiro Nambu, Holber-Beck Nielsen, and Leonard Susskind to N-particle amplitude (see this) based on string picture, and the resulting model was called dual resonance model. The model was forgotten as QCD emerged.
  2. Recall that Veneziano duality (1968) was deduced by assuming that scattering amplitude can be described as sum over s-channel resonances or t-channel Regge exchanges and Veneziano duality stated that hadronic scattering amplitudes have a representation as sums over s- or t-channel resonance poles identified as excitations of strings. The sum over exchanges defined by t-channel resonances indeed reduces at larger values of s to Regge form.
  3. The resonances have zero width and the imaginary part of the amplitude has a discontinuity only at the resonance poles, which is not consistent with unitarity so that one must force unitarity by hand by an iterative procedure. Further, there were no counterparts for the sum of s-, t-, and u-channel diagrams with continuous cuts in the kinematical regions encountered in QFT approach. What puts bells ringing is the u-channel diagrams would be non-planar and non-planarity is the problem of the twistor Grassmann approach.
It is interesting to compare this picture with the twistor Grassman approach and TGD picture.
  1. In the TGD framework, one just picks up the residue of what would be analogous to stringy scattering amplitude at mass shells. In the dual resonance models, one keeps the entire amplitude and encounters problems with the unitarity outside the poles. In the twistor Grassmann approach, one assumes that the amplitudes are completely determined by the singularities whereas in TGD they are the residues at singularities. At the limit of an infinite-fold iterate the amplitudes approach analogs of QFT amplitudes.
  2. In the dual resonance model, the sums over s- and t-channel resonances are the same. This guarantees crossing symmetry. An open question is whether this can be the case also in the TGD framework. If this is the case, the continuum limit of the scattering amplitudes should have a close resemblance with string model scattering amplitudes as the M4× CP2 picture having magnetic flux tubes in a crucial role indeed suggests.
  3. In dual resonance models, only the cyclic permutations of the external particles are allowed. As found, the same applies in TGD if the scattering event is a cognitive measurement (see this), only the cyclic permutations of the factors of a fixed functional composite are allowed. Non-cyclic permutations would produce the counterparts of non-planar diagrams and the cascade of cognitive state function reductions could not make sense for all polynomials in the superposition simultaneously. Remarkably, in the twistor Grassmann approach just the non-planar diagrams are the problem.
See the article About TGD counterparts of twistor amplitudes or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD. 

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