Wednesday, August 03, 2022

The mysterious precession of the Earth's spin axis from the TGD point of view

These comments were inspired by two interesting Youtube videos by Sören Backman (see this and this) with a provocative title "Gravity's biggest failure - precession, what is it hiding". The precession of the Earth's spin axis cannot be explained as an effect caused by other planets and Sun and even the nearest stars are too far in order to explain the precession as an effect caused by them. Precession is therefore a real problem for the standard view of gravitation.

The proposal for the explanation of the precession of Earth discussed in the videos is inspired by the notion of Electric Universe, and has several similarities with the TGD inspired model. I could expect this from my earlier discussions with the proponents of Electric Universe. About 3 years ago, I wrote a chapter inspired by these discussions (see this).

My view is that the extremist view that gravitation reduces to electromagnetism is wrong but that electromagnetism, in particular magnetic fields, have an important role even in cosmological scales. In standard physics, magnetic fields in long scales would require coherent currents, which tend to be random and dissipate. Even the understanding of the stability of the magnetic field of Earth is a challenge, to say nothing of the magnetic fields able to survive in cosmological scales. In TGD, monopole flux tubes define magnetic fields which need no currents as sources.

Consider first monopole flux tubes, which are present in all length scales in the TGD Universe and distinguish TGD from both Maxwell's electrodynamics and general relativity.

  1. Flux tubes can carry monopole flux, in which case they are highly stable. The cross section is not a disk but a closed 2-surface so that no current is needed to create the magnetic flux. The flux tubes with vanishing flux are not stable against splitting.
  2. Flux tubes relate to the model for the emergence of galaxies (see this and this) and explain galactic jets propagating along flux tubes (see this). Dark energy and possible matter assignable to the cosmic strings predicts correctly the flat velocity spectrum of stars around galaxies.
  3. In the MOND model it is assumed that the gravitational force transforms for certain critical acceleration from 1/r2 to 1/r force. In TGD this would mean that the 1/ρ forces caused by the cosmic string would begin to dominate over the 1/rho2 force. The predictions of MOND TGD are different since in TGD the motion takes place in the plane orthogonal to the cosmic string.
  4. The flux tubes can appear as torus-like circular loops. Also flux tube pairs carrying opposite fluxes, resembling a DNA double strand, are possible and might be favoured by stability. Flux tubes are possible in all scales and connect astrophysical structures to a fractal quantum network. The flux tubes could connect to each other nodes, which are deformations of membrane-like entities having 3-D M4 projections and 2-D E3 projections (time= constant) (also an example of "non-Einsteinian" space-time surface).
  5. Pairs of monopole flux tubes with opposite direction of fluxes can connect two objects: this could serve as a prerequisite of entanglement. The splitting of a flux tube pair to a pair of U-shaped flux tubes by a reconnection in a state function reduction destroying the entanglement. Reconnection would play an essential role in bio-catalysis.
  6. Flux tube pairs can form helical structures and stability probably requires helical structure. Cosmic analog of DNA could be in question: fractality and gravitational quantum coherence in arbitrarily long scales are a basic prediction of TGD so that monopole flux tubes should appear in all scales. Also flux tubes inside flux tubes inside and hierarchical coilings as for DNA are possible.
A possible TGD inspired solution of the precession problem relies on the TGD view about the formation of galaxies and stellar systems.
  1. Just like galaxies, also the stellar systems would have been formed as local tangles of a long monopole flux tube (thickened cosmic string), which itself could be part of or have been reconnected from a tangle of flux tube giving rise to the galaxy. The thickening liberates dark energy of cosmic strings and gives rise to the ordinary matter and is the TGD counterpart of inflation involving no inflaton fields.
  2. In the same way as galaxies, stellar systems would be like pearls along string. This predicts correlations in the dynamics and positions of distant stars and galaxies and there is evidence for these correlations.
  3. The flux tubes could connect the solar system to some distant stellar system. A good candidate for this kind of system is Pleiades, a star cluster located at a distance of 444 light years (the nearest star has a distance of 4 light years). There would also be an analog of solar wind along this flux tube giving for the solar magnetosphere a bullet-like shape.
  4. The transversal gravitational force of the flux tube would cause the precession of the solar system around the flux tube. The entire solar system, as a tangle of the flux tube, would precess like a bullet-like top around the direction of this flux tube. The details of this picture are discussed in this and this .
  5. The TGD analogs of Birkeland currents and the analogy of solar wind would flow along the monopole flux tubes, perhaps as dark particles in the TGD sense, that is having effective Planck constant heff=nh0 which can be much larger than h, even so large that gravitational quantum coherence is possible in astrophysical and even cosmological scales.
See the the chapter TGD and astrophysics.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles related to TGD.

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