Monday, October 31, 2022

The asymmetry of tidal tails as a support for the TGD view of dark matter

The most recent puzzling discovery related to the galactic dynamics is that for certain star clusters associated with tidal tails there is an asymmetry with respect to the direction of the motion along the tail (see this). The trailing tail directed to the galactic nucleus is thin and the leading tail is thick and there are many more stars in it. Stars also tend to leak out along the direction of motion along the tail. One would not expect this kind of asymmetry in the Newtonian theory since the contribution of the ordinary galactic matter to the gravitational potential possibly causing the asymmetry is rather small.

MOND theory (see this) is reported to explain the finding satisfactorily.

  1. The tidal tails of the star cluster are directed towards (leading tail) and outwards from it (trailing tail). The standard explanation is that gravitational forces produce them as a purely gravitational effect. These tails can be however often thin and long, which has raised suspicions concerning this explanation.
  2. MOND hypothesis assumes that gravitational acceleration starts to transform above some critical radius from 1/r2 form to 1/r form. This applies to galaxies and star clusters modelled as a point-like object. This idea is realized in terms of a non-linear variant of the Poisson equation by introducing a coefficient μ(a/a0) depending on the ratio a/a0 of the strength of gravitational acceleration a expressible as gradient of the gravitational potential. a0 is the critical acceleration appearing as a fundamental constant in the MOND model. μ approaches unity at large accelerations and a linear function of a/a0 at small accelerations. Note that MOND violates the Equivalence Principle.
  3. For MOND, the effective gravitational potential of the galactic nucleus becomes logarithmic. Therefore the outwards escape velocity in the trailing tail is higher than the inwards escape velocity in the leading tail so that the stars tend to be reflected back from the trailing tail. This would cause tidal asymmetry implying that the tail directed to the galactic nucleus contains more stars than the outwards tail. The MOND model uses the effective gravitational mass of the galaxy to model the situation in a quasi-Newtonian way.
TGD allows us to consider both the variant of the MOND model. The model provides also a possible explanation for the formation of the star cluster itself.
  1. In the TGD framework, cosmic strings are expected to form a network (see this, this, and this). In particular, one can assign to the tidal tails a cosmic string oriented towards the galactic nucleus, call it Lt to distinguish it from the long cosmic string along L along which galaxies are located. The thickening of a long string and the associated formation of a tangle generates ordinary matter as the dark energy of the string transforms to ordinary matter. This is the TGD counterpart for the transformation of the energy of an inflaton field to ordinary matter.

    This process can occur for both the galactic string L and Lt. In the first case it would give rise to galaxies along L and in the case of Lt to the formation of star clusters. Unlike in MOND, the gravitation remains Newtonian and the Equivalence Principle is satisfied in TGD.

  2. The long cosmic string L along which the galaxies are located gives an additive logarithmic contribution to the total gravitational potential of the galaxy. This contribution explains the flat velocity spectrum of distant stars.

    At some critical distance, the contribution of L begins to dominate over the contribution of ordinary matter. The critical acceleration of the MOND model is replaced with the value of acceleration at which this occurs. In contrast to MOND, this acceleration is not a universal constant and depends on the mass of the visible part of the galaxy. TGD predicts a preferred plane for the galaxy and free motion in the direction of the cosmic string orthogonal to it. Also the absence of dark matter halo is predicted.

  3. Concerning the formation of the tidal tails, the simplest TGD based model is very much the same as the MOND model except that one has 2-D logarithmic gravitational potential of string rather than modification of the ordinary 3-D gravitational potential of the galaxy. Therefore TGD allows a very similar model at qualitative level.
One can however challenge the assumption that the mechanism is purely gravitational.
  1. The tidal tails tend to have a linear structure. Could they correspond to linear structures, long strings or tentacles extending towards the galactic nucleus? Could the formation of star clusters itself be a process, which is analogous to the formation of galaxies as a thickening of cosmic string leading to formation of a flux tube tangle?
  2. Why more stars at the rear end rather than the frontal end of the moving star cluster? Could one have a phase transition transforming dark energy to matter proceeding along the cosmic Lt string rather than a star cluster moving? Dark energy would burn to ordinary matter and give rise to the star cluster.
  3. The burning could proceed in both directions or in a single direction only. If the burning proceeds outwards from the galactic nucleus, the star formation is just beginning at the trailing end. In the leading end, the tangle formed by cosmic string has expanded and stretched due to the reduction of string tension. This could explain the asymmetry between trailing and leading ends at least partially.

    If the burning proceeds both outwards and inwards, only the MOND type explanation remains.

  4. Second asymmetry is that the stars tend to leak out along the direction of motion. The gravitational field of the galaxy containing the logarithmic contribution explains this at least partially. Long cosmic string Lt creates a transversal gravitational field and this could strengthen this tendency. The motion along Lt is free so that the stars tend to leak out from the system along the direction of Lt.
See the chapter TGD and Astrophysics.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles related to TGD.

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