Friday, January 27, 2023

Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe

I received a link to a video summarizing the properties of the Local Bubble surrounding the solar system (see this). The Local Bubble represents only one example of magnetic bubbles. The magnetic bubble carries a magnetic field with field lines along its surface. Star formation and interstellar gas seems to concentrate on the bubble.

The article " Star formation near the Sun is driven by expansion of the Local Bubble" by Zucker et al published in Nature (see this) gives basic facts about the Local Bubble surrounding the solar system. The Local Bubble has a radius of about 500 ly. Within 500-light-years of Earth, all stars and star-forming regions sit on the surface of the Local Bubble, but not inside. The total mass is about 106 solar masses. The Local bubble is accompanied by magnetized molecular clouds, which reveal the existence of the bubble via the polarization of radio wave radiation.

It is believed that the Local Bubble has been formed in a burst of star formation in the center of the bubble. These stars would have died as supernovae and the matter from supernova explosions would have pushed gas and compressed it to form the Local Bubble. According to the Nature article (see this), the research team calculated that at least 15 supernovae have gone off over millions of years and pushed gas outward, creating a bubble where seven star-forming regions dot the surface.

These bubbles bring in mind the large voids (see this), whose boundaries carry galaxies. They are discussed from the TGD point of view here. One ends up with the question, whether galaxies are formed at the surfaces of large voids and stars at the surfaces of the magnetic bubbles. Could also the formation of planets be understood in this way? TGD predicts that cosmic expansion takes place as rapid "jerks", and this view has application to the mystery of Cambrian Explosion (see for instance this). Could these local Big-Bangs give rise to a universal mechanism for the formation of structures? If so, then Earth and Moon must have the same composition. The finding that this is indeed the case (see this), came as a total surprise.

See the article Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

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