Friday, March 31, 2023

Could TGD view of quantum gravitation allow nuclear life?

The prevailing dogma is that life is always chemical. The considerations of (see this) force us to challenge this dogma. One cannot exclude the possibility that Sun is a seat of a new kind of life controlled by gravitational magnetic body of the Sun with huge value of gravitation Planck constant implying quantum coherence scales larger than the gravitational Compton length which happens to be essentially the size of Earth. Just for fun, one can therefore play with the thought that fractality of the TGD Universe could allow life at temperatures prevailing in the solar interior.

This life should be based on nuclear physics instead of chemistry. The realization of the genetic code (see this and this) in the TGD framework relies on dark proton (or possibly nucleon) sequences. According to the TGD based view of nuclear physics (see this), the ordinary nuclei also correspond to sequences of nucleons at monopole flux tubes, which form a kind of nuclear spaghetti. Therefore the realization of also nuclear genetic code could rely on nucleon sequences. The chemical realization of the genetic code could be seen as the next step in evolution.

  1. Gravitational quantum coherence is essential for the TGD based view of life. Gravitational magnetic body carrying gravitationally dark matter and consisting of the mopole flux tubes would still be the controller. The average magnetic field at the surface of the Sun is indeed about 2BE∼ 1 Gauss. Just for definiteness, one could assume that the scale for the strength of the monopole magnetic field is twice that for the monopole flux tubes at the surface of Earth that is 2Bmono;E∼ 4BE/5∼ .4 Gauss. The scale of cyclotron energies for ℏgr =GMm/β0, where β0∼ 2-11 is assumed in Nottale's model for the inner planets, would be scaled up from that at the surface of Earth by the factor x=(MS/ME)×(β0,E0,S)×(BS)/BE). For β0,E ∼ 1 prevailing in the Earth's magnetosphere, this would give x∼ 2.5 × 109.

    For the energy 1 eV of a photon in biophoton wavelength range one the energy E=hefff would scale up to 2.4 GeV, which corresponds to more than 2 proton masses! This looks non-sensible.

  2. However, in the outer magnetosphere of Earth where ℏgr,Sun is expected to prevail, the values of BE are in the range 1-10 nTesla, which means that the scale of the magnetic field (and also monopole flux) is reduced by about 5× 10-5. This would reduce the dark cyclotron energy ratio to x= 1.25× 105. 1 eV energy would be scaled to the range of .1-1.0 MeV, which corresponds to nuclear binding energies.
  3. For β0=2-11 the lowest solar Bohr orbit has a radius slightly larger than the radius of the photosphere, so that it cannot correspond to the matter in the interior of the Sun.

    For β0,core=1, the lowest Bohr radius would be rB=4π GM/β0= 2π rS,Sun= 6π km, which makes 2π Scwartschild radii. The value of x would be x= 5× 105Bcore/BE, and for Bcore/BE=1 the biophoton energy scale of 1 eV would scale up to .5 MeV, which corresponds to the mass of electron and to the nuclear binding energy scale.

Maybe nuclear life at the solar core and even in the outer magnetosphere of Earth might be considered.

See the article Some anomalies associated with the Sun or the chapter Magnetic bubbles in TGD Universe: Part I.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

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