Saturday, November 18, 2023

Kundalini phenomenon from TGD point of view

There was a very interesting post by Hunter Glenn in Qualia Computing Network about the Kundalini phenomenon. The proposal of Glenn was that the charge separations relate somehow to the Kundalini phenomenon involving both the bliss and the dark night of the soul suggesting that (quantum) criticality is involved.

In bioelectromagnetism it has been known for decades that the sign of electric gradient along the longitudinal axis of the body correlates with the state of consciousness. The sign of the electric gradient changes when one falls asleep. This sign matters also at the level of brain hemispheres in horizontal direction. At the neuronal level the membrane potential changes temporarily sign during the nerve pulses. At the axonal microtubular level the sign of gradient matters and the tubule is in (quantum?) critical state in the sense that it is decaying and re-assembling all the time.

This suggests that the electric gradient along the spine correlates with the contents of consciousness and has a lot to do with the kundalini phenomenon. The appearance of chills in the spine could reflect the generation of electrical gradients. In my own Great Experience around 1985I experienced these chills and the subsequent "whole body consciousness" completely free from the usual "thermal noise". The attempt to understand this experience led to the development of TGD inspired theory of consciousness.

Charges are needed to create these gradients and the natural question is where these charges reside. Between what kind of systems the charge separations are generated?

Electric gradients and charge separations seem to be fundamental. In the TGD inspired quantum model of the nerve pulse, the cell membrane is regarded as a Josephson junction. Standard physics does not of course allow this: according to the Hodgkin-Huxley model the currents are ohmic currents. There is very intriguing experimental evidence in conflict with the assumption of Ohmic currents as cause of nerve pulse: they could be of course caused by it. This evidence justifies TGD inspired model of nerve pulse discussed here. The model involves the Pollack effect as a way to generate charge separations. In presence of suitable energy feed and gel phase, water develops negatively charged regions with very high charge. 1/4:th of protons of water molecules to somewhere, "outside" the system in some sense. This generates electric gradients and all electric gradients in living matter could be created in this way by metabolic energy feed.

Where could the protons go? In the TGD Universe they would go to the magnetic body (MB), the TGD geometric counterpart for Maxwellian magnetic fields, and form a dark phase there. This would mean that they have non-standard and very large values of effective Planck constant so that they form a large-scale quantum coherent phase at MB: this would induce the coherence of ordinary biomatter as forced coherence. The MB in question would be a gravitational magnetic body and the value of gravitational Planck constant was proposed already by Nottale. Charge separations would reduce to those between the biological body (cell membrane, etc) and corresponding (gravitational) MB and this would allow us to understand how the electric gradients develop. Also nerve pulse would be based on the Pollack effect.

The spiritual aspect would come to play via the magnetic body representing higher level consciousness (an entire hierarchy of them is predicted). In Kundalini a connection to some magnetic body would be created (or lost) and could also give rise to the experience of becoming God.

See the article Some new aspects of the TGD inspired model of the nerve pulse or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see

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