Saturday, March 30, 2024

Quantization of blackhole angular momentum as a new piece of support for the TGD based quantum view of blackhole-like objects

I found a nice piece of evidence for the TGD based quantum view of blackhole-like objects (BHs). In an article related to the determination of the magnetic field of Sagittarius A (SA) (see this) it is concluded that the so called spin parameter for it is s=J/GM2=.94 . The inclination angle as the angle between the magnetic axis at SA and the line of sight of the observer was estimated to be 150 degrees.
  1. With an inspiration coming from Equivalence Principle, I have proposed that it is possible to assign to even astrophysical objects, or at least to BHs, a value of ℏgr as ℏgr=GM2β0. Could the generalization of the quantization of angular momentum hold true for all BHs and perhaps even for more general stellar objects? Could SA be a spin 1 object with respect to ℏgr having Jz/hbargr=1? This condition would give β0=1/.94 ≈ 1.03> for the value of s used: this is not quite consistent with β0< 1. If one replaces M with M/.94=1.03M, one obtains β0=1 and Jz/ℏgr=1. According to Wikipedia, the mass of Sagittarius A is ≈ 4.1 million solar masses so that this correction is with what is known of the value of M. Also smaller values of β0 are possible but require a larger value of M.
  2. On the other hand, the model for SA as quantum object and the discovery of a blob of matter rotating around it with velocity v= c/3 led to the conclusion that β0= 9/10=.9: the error is only 1 per cent. This value is consistent with the uncertainties in the mass value.
  3. Sagittarius A is a weird object in the sense that its rotation axis points to the Earth rather than being orthogonal to the galactic plane. This is consistent with the above discussed proposal that the Milky Way is formed in the collisions of a cosmic string orthogonal to the plane of the Milky Way and cosmic string in the plane of the Milky way assignable to its spiral structure. That the direction of the magnetic axis is related to the local the direction of the line of sight would conform with the propagation of the radiation along the monopole flux tubes forming a spiral structure to the Earth (for the implications of the monopole flux tube network connecting astrophysical objects see for instance this). The inclination angle as the angle between line of sight and magnetic axis is reported to be 150 degrees.
  4. For a spin one object the angle sin(θ) between the projection Jz and total angular momentum vector J is semi-classically quantized and for Jz=-1 equal to 1/21/2, which corresponds to an angle of 135 degrees. Could this angle relate to the inclination angle of 150 degrees reported in the article: the local direction of the magnetic field would correspond to the direction of J and measured J would correspond to Jz as in standard quantum theory?
See the article About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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