Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A quantum model of the Sun and planetary system as analogs of atomic nucleus and atom

In this article a model of the Sun and planetary system as analogs of atomic nucleus and atom are discussed. This proposal has been already in earlier articles but the progress in the model of the Sun leading to rather dramatic predictions. In particular, the layer of M89 giant nuclei with mass which is 512 times the mass of the ordinary nucleon located at monopole flux tubes would produce the nuclei of the solar wind and the energy of the solar radiation.

One must give up the standard model of the solar core as a seat of hot fusion and energy producer. What could be the real function of the solar core? In this framework the interior of the Sun could be a quantum coherent system analogous to atomic nucleus with hot fusion replaced with dark fusion explaining "cold fusion" as a quantum critical phenomenon. Solar interior would be also analogous to the cell nucleus, where the genetic code would be realized in terms of dark nuclear strings in the same universal way as in the TGD inspired quantum biology. This would conform with the earlier of the planetary system as an analog of an atom with a gigantic value of the gravitational Planck constant whose form is fixed by the Equivalence Principle.

In this article the model of the Sun as an analog of nucleus is developed in detail. The simplest model with a constant average density motivates the gravitational harmonic oscillator model with the orbitals of nuclei replaced with rigid 2-spheres with radii given by the harmonic oscillator model and containing a surface density of matter consistent with the constant average density. The basic quantization condition would state that the angular momentum is quantized using as a unit the gravitational Planck constant associated with the total mass of the sphere and those below it.

This model can be applied also to planets and also a model for the generation of planets in the explosions induced by the transformation of M89 nuclei to M107 nuclei throwing out part of the the M89 layer with baryon number which correspond to 3 Earth masses. See the article Some solar mysteries or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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