Friday, January 17, 2025

Could right handed neutrinos predicted by TGD correspond to galactic dark matter?

Right handed neutrinos are electroweak and color ghosts and have been proposed as a candidate for particles explaining galactic dark matter (see this).

One of the big problems of the standard model is that neutrinos are massive and this requires that neutrinos must also have right-handed modes νR.

TGD space-time is 4-surface in H=M4×CP2 and quark and lepton spinor fields correspond to those of H. Spinor fields of H are induced to the space-time surfaces. TGD predicts standard model symmetries and fields but differs from the standard model in that also νR is predicted. The massless νR modes are covariantly constant in CP2 degrees of freedom and have no electroweak nor color interactions and are electroweak ghosts. In TGD νR has also massive modes which are not color ghosts and together with left handed neutrino mode can give rise to massive neutrinos.

Right-handed neutrinos have only gravitational interactions and are therefore excellent candidates for the fermionic dark matter. The recent TGD based view of dark matter does not favor the idea that right handed neutrinos could have anything to do with galactic dark matter.

One must be cautious however. The TGD based explanation for galactic dark energy is in terms of Kähler magnetic and volume energy involving only geometrized bosonic fields. Could quantum classical correspondence imply that the classical energy corresponds to the energy assignable to right-handed neutrinos? Classically dark matter would correspond to the sum of Kähler magnetic energy and volume energies. Kähler magnetic energy can be regarded as an electroweak contribution. Since volume energy depends only on the induced metric, it could correspond to right-handed neutrinos.

See the articles New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I and New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part II.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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