Thursday, December 11, 2008

About dark matter and CDF anomaly

Tommaso Dorigo told in his posting about the talk of Nima-Arkadi Haed relating to dark matter and CDF anomaly. Nima and others are beginning to realize what I realized for 3 years ago. Dark matter is not not just some neutral extremely weakly interacting particle but there are a lot of them and they can be also charged.

This is still rather ugly idea since it forces to introduce additional gauge group having standard model gauge groups as subgroup. In TGD framework the hierarchy of Planck constants realized in terms of book like structure of generalized 8-D imbedding space containing space-times as 4-surfaces realizes this much more elegantly since darkness is relative: all matter at pages different from the page of us is dark from our perspective since local interaction vertices are not possible. Gauge group is just the universal standard model gauge group having purely number theoretical interpretation.

I glue my reseponse to Tommaso Dorigo's blog also here.

Amusing, just this is what I have been talking for years but in much more elegant form and in much more detail with applications ranging from quantum Hall effect to astrophysics to cosmology to quantum biology.

Much of honor goes to Laurent Nottale who noticed that inner and outer planetary orbits can be seen as Bohr orbits with a gigantic value of Planck constant. The TGD explanation is in terms of condensation of visible matter around 2-D surfaces defining anyonic systems consisting of dark matter with very large Planck constant and therefore in macroscopically quantum coherent phase. This would be the basic mechanism for the formation of planetary systems (see my blog).

This finding and various biological anomalies led to the generalization of 8-D imbedding space of TGD having a book like structure with pages labeled by different values of Planck constant (this is oversimplification), and containing space-times as 4-surfaces. Typically the light-like 3-surfaces - the basic objects of TGD Universe- are at one particular page but tunneling is possible by leakage through the back of the book.

We would live at one particular page and the matter at other pages would be dark relative to us. It can be just ordinary particles if stability conditions allow this (anyonic phase is highly suggestive). There are no local interaction vertices between particles belonging to different pages. This explains darkness.

Particles can leak between different pages and it is even possible to photograph dark matter. This provides a possible explanation for various strange findings of Peter Gariaev about interaction of DNA with visible, IR and UV light. There is long list of other anomalies in living matter finding explanation in this framework. In living matter this kind of interactions would take place routinely in the model of quantum biology based on dark matter. One fascinating implication is phase transition changing the value of Planck constant and scaling up or down quantum scales typically proportional to hbar: this provides fundamental control mechanism of cellular biology where phase transition change the size scale occur very frequently.

About CDF anomaly and related anomalies. TGD predicts both leptons and quarks have colored excitations. Color octet excitations of leptons plus p-adic length scale hypothesis explains quantitatively CDF anomaly (predicts the mass of lightest excitation (charged tau-pion with mass mtau), the masses of the excitations proposed by CDF come as 2×mtau, 4×mtau, 8×mtau (neutral tau-pions) in accordance with the proposal of CDF group. Model also provides mechanism producing the muon jets and predicts a correct order of magnitude for the production cross section. Also very importantly, if colored excitations of leptons are present only at pages having nonstandard Planck constant, there is no contribution to intermediate boson decay widths from decays to colored leptons.

During years many other similar anomalies have been found. Electropions made themselves visible already at seventies in heavy ion collisions. About this I published two papers in International Journal of Theoretical Physics (1990,1992). Ortopositronium decay rate anomaly has interpretation in terms of electropion production. The gamma rays with energies at electron rest mass from galactic nuclei have interpretation as decay products of dark electro-pions. I have also discussed Karmen anomaly as the first evidence for colored excitations of muon. Year ago emerged evidence for mu-pion. For references see my earlier blog postings and also the material at my homepage.

This approach to dark matter differs from Nima's in three respects. It came three years earlier (as becomes clear by looking at old postings in my blog and links to the books and articles at my home page, there are also publications in CASYS proceedings). It is much more elegant since just the standard model gauge group is postulated (actually this gauge group follows as a prediction from number theoretic vision about TGD). And it implies a profound generalization of quantum theory itself.

This theory is however a crackpot theory according to the crowd opinion. Dear Anonymous, before telling me not to fill this blog with spam, tell me exactly what makes TGD a crackpot theory. If you bother to go to my home page and read you find that it cannot be the content. What it is then? I am really interested. Perhaps also some others are.

Note: The URL of my home page has changed since few weeks after the discovery of CDF anomaly Helsinki University informed me that the old URL is not available after 10.12. With the help of some friendly souls the date was changed to 31.12. Otherwise TGD had disappeared from the web totally since for some reason they are unable to redirect visitors to the new URL after the page has been removed!

For details and background see the updated chapter Recent Status of Leptohadron Hypothesis of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy", and the article New evidence for colored leptons.

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