Thursday, October 19, 2023

Moon and neuroscience

I have already suggested that the gravitational magnetic body of Moon could play key role in the model of nerve pulse. The following model for the commutations between neuronal membrane and gravitational magnetic body by cyclotron resonance demonstrates that the expectation was correct. Moon would play a key role in neuroscience! Conformistic colleague can hardly imagine a crazier sounding statement and can happily concluded that I am a crackpot after all!

Quantum gravitation favors the communications between cell membranes as dark Josephson junction and corresponding MBs carrying dark charged particles. The variations of the membrane voltage induce the modulation of the Josephson frequency and resonant receival induces a sequence of pulses coding the variations of the membrane potential to a sequence of pulses.

  1. The cyclotron energies

    Ec= ℏgr ZeB/m= GMZeB/β0= rs/[2lB2 β0]

    do not depend on the mass m of the charged particle and are therefore universal. Same is true for the gravitational Compton length Lgr =rs/2β0 of the particle (rS denotes Schwartchild radius).

  2. Josephson frequencies are given by ZeV/2\pi ℏgr and is inversely proportional to the mass of the charged particle. In the case of ions this means the 1/A-proportionality and ordering of Josephson frequency scales as subharmonics.
  3. The frequency resonance condition fJ= EJ/hgr = fc= ZeB/m is equivalent to the energy resonance condition

    EJ=ZeVmem= ℏgr fc= rs/[2lB2β0] = rS/[2β0]×eB/ℏ .

    This condition fixes the relation between the voltage of the Josephson junction and the strength B of the magnetic field.

    eB= ZeVmem × 2Zβ0/rS .

    For Vmem= .05 V,Z=2, rS= rS,E= 1 cm and β0=1, and using the fact that B=1 Tesla corresponds to magnetic length lB= (ℏ/eB)1/2=64 nm, this gives B= 184 nT.

    It came as a surprise that this field strength is about 2.3× 10-3 weaker than the endogenous magnetic field .2× 10-4 Tesla at the surface of Earth. The strengths of the magnetic fields outside the inner magnetosphere are of order nTesla. Does this mean that the EEG signals from the cell membrane are received by charged particles at the flux tubes of the magnetosphere for which the field is much weaker than at the surface of Earth. This is indeed proposed in the model of EEG.

    How could one get rid of the problem?

    1. The expression for B is proportional to β0 ≤ 1 and to 1/rS. For the Moon the mass is .01ME so that the value of the B would be scale by factor 100 so that it would be by factor .92 weaker than the nominal value of Bend. As proposed already earlier, the gravitational MB of Moon could be involved with the dynamics of the cell membrane and the endogenous magnetic field of Blackman could be assignable to Moon!
    2. The proportionality of B to eVmem allows us to consider the possibility that also DNA involves Josephson junctions. In fact, the TGD inspired model for the Comorosan effect assumes that biomolecules quite generally involve them. By a naive dimensional argument one expects that the value of ZeV is scaled up by factor of order 100 as one scales the membrane thickness 10 nm to 1 Angstrom. This would give Bend for the gravitational flux tubes of the Earth.
    The possibility of simultaneous frequency and energy resonance means universal cyclotron resonance irrespective of the mass of the charged particle. Josephson frequencies are however inversely proportional to the mass of the charged particle appearing both in the cell membrane and the receiving flux tube. The resonance mechanism therefore makes it possible to use the same information for receivers with different masses. Each of them generates a different sequence of pulses at times for which modulated Josephson frequency equals the cyclotron frequency defining a specific kind of information characterized by the scale defined by Josephson period. Electron mass, proton mass and ion masses define characteristic frequency scales. For Bend, the cyclotron frequencies are in EEG range for ions which also favours the Moon option.

    See the article Some New Aspects of the TGD Inspired Model of the Nerve Pulse or the chapter with the same title.

    For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

    For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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