Monday, October 23, 2023

Pollack effect as a universal energy transfer mechanism?

The proposal of the recent article Some New Aspects of the TGD Inspired Model of the Nerve Pulse is that nerve pulse generation relies on the flip-flop mechanism using the energy liberated in the reversal of Pollack effect at one side of cell membrane to induce Pollack effect at the opposite side. The liberate energy would be channelled along the pair of monopole flux tubes emerging by re-connection from two U-shaped monopole flux tubes. The flip-flop mechanism is highly analogous to a seesaw in which the gravitational binding energy at the first end of the seesaw is reduced and transforms to kinetic energy reducing gravitational binding energy at the second end of the seesaw.

All biochemical processes involve a transfer of metabolic energy. Could the flip-flop mechanism serve as a universal mechanism of energy transfer accompanying biochemical processes?

The first example is TGD based view of biocatalysis according to which a phase transition reduces the value of heff and thus the length for the monopole flux tube pair connecting the reactants liberates energy, which kicks the reactants over the potential energy wall and in this way increases dramatically the rate of the reaction. Also now, the liberated energy could propagate as dark photons along the flux tube pair raise the system above the reaction wall or at least reduce its height.

Also the ADP→ ADP process could involve the Pollack effect and its reversal. In this process 3 protons are believed to flow through the cell membrane and liberate energy given to the ADP so that the process ADP+Pi → ATP takes place. This system has been compared to an energy plant. This raises heretic questions. Does the flow of ordinary protons through the mitochondrial membrane really occur? Could the charge separation be also now between the cell interior and its magnetic body?

  1. The protons believed to flow through the mitochondrial membrane would be in the initial situation gravitationally dark and generated by Pollack effect for which the energy would be provided as energy liberated by biomolecules in a process which could be a time reversal for its storage in photosynthesis.
  2. The reverse Pollack effect inside the mitochondrial membrane could transform the dark protons to ordinary protons and liberate energy, which is carried through the membrane as dark photons to the opposite side. This would allow the high energy phosphate bond of ATP to form in the reaction ADP+Pi → ATP. According to the TGD proposal (see this and this), the liberated energy could be used to kick the proton to the gravitational monopole flux tube, which would have length of order Earth size scale so that gravitational potential energy would of the same order of magnitude as the metabolic energy quantum with a nominal value .5 eV. This dark proton would be the energy carrier in the mysterious high phosphate energy bond, which does not quite fit the framework of biochemistry.
  3. ATP would donate the phosphate ion P- for the target molecule, which would utilize this temporarily stored metabolic energy as the dark proton transforms to an ordinary one. Depending on the lifetime of the dark proton, this could occur as the target molecule receives P or later. In any case, this should involve the transformation P-→ Pi. This could correspond to the transformation of the gravitationally dark proton to ordinary proton so that the charge separation giving rise to P- would be between Pi and its magnetic body.
In the chemical storage of the metabolic energy in photosynthesis, ATP provides the energy for the biomolecule storing the energy. This process should be accompanied by the transformation of P- to Pi. It is instructive to consider two options that come immediately into mind.

Option I: The realistic looking option is that the energy is stored as the energy of an ordinary chemical bond.

  1. Hydrogen bond, which can form between a proton and other electronegative atoms such as O or N, is a natural candidate. Hydrogen bond indeed has an energy, which is of the order of metabolic energy quantum .5 eV. The simplest option is that the metabolic energy provided by the gravitational flux tube of ATP is liberated and used to generate a hydrogen bond of the protein. The dark gravitational flux tube loop would be nothing but a very long hydrogen bond.
  2. For negatively charged molecules, the proton of a hydrogen bond could be gravitationally dark. For dark positively charged ions, some valence electrons could be gravitationally dark. In the electronic case the reduction of the gravitational binding energy would be roughly by a factor me/mp∼ 2-11 smaller and this leads to a proposal of electronic metabolic energy quantum (see this and this and this) for which there is some empirical support from the work of Adamatsky (see this.
Option II: The less realistic looking option is that the molecule stores the metabolic energy permanently as a gravitationally dark proton. The motivation for its detailed consideration is that it provides insights to the Pollack effect.
  1. The dark proton associated with P- should become a dark proton associated with the molecule. In this case the length of hydrogen bond would become very long, increasing the ability to store metabolic energy.

    The hydrogen bonded structure would be effectively negatively charged but this is just what happens in the EZ in Pollack effect! This supports the view that the Pollack effect for water basically involves the lengthening of the hydrogen bonds to U-shaped gravitational monopole flux tubes.

  2. The Pollack effect requires a metabolic energy feed since the value of hgr tends to decrease spontaneously. This suggests that the dark gravitational hydrogen bonds are not long-lived enough for the purpose of long term metabolic energy storage. Rather, they would naturally serve as a temporary metabolic energy storage needed in the transfer of metabolic energy. The temporary storage of the metabolic energy to ATP would be a quantum variant of the seesaw.
  3. The first naive guess for the scale of the life-time of the gravitationally dark proton would be given as a gravitational Compton time determined by the gravitational Compton length Λgr= GM/β0 =rS(M)/2β0. For the Earth with rS∼ 1 cm, one has Tgr=1.5 × 10-11 s corresponding to the energy .6 meV for the ordinary Planck constant and perhaps related to the miniature membrane potentials. For the Moon with mass MM=.01ME, this time is about Tgr∼ 1.5× 10-13 ns. For the ordinary Planck constant, this time corresponds to energy of .07 eV and is not far from the energy assignable to the membrane potential. For the Sun, one would gravitational Compton length is one half of the Earth's radius, which gives Tgr= .02 s, which corresponds to 50 Hz EEG frequency.

    Note that the rotation frequency for the ATP synthase analogous to a power plant is around 300 Hz which is the cyclotron frequency of the proton in the endogenous magnetic field .2 Gauss interpreted in TGD as the strength of the monopole fluz part of the Earth's magnetic field.

See the article Some New Aspects of the TGD Inspired Model of the Nerve Pulse or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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