Thursday, May 09, 2024

Could the model of Biefeld Brown effect apply to rotating magnetic systems?

Could model of Biefeld Brown be also applied to a rather massive rotating magnetic system studied by Russian researchers Godin and Roschin (see this), which I have tried to understand during years (see this).
  1. The system consists of a stator and rollers rotating around it. Also the effect of a radial electric field was studied. The high voltage between stator and electrodes outside the rollers varied in a range 0-20 kV. Therefore a capacitor-like system is in question. Positive potential was associated with the stator so that the force experienced by electrons was towards the electrodes. This generates a strong radial electric field and there is an ionization of air around the rotating magnet, which could be caused by high energy electrons from the surface of the rotor as in coronal discharge.
  2. What happens is that the system begins to accelerate spontaneously as the rotation frequency approaches 10 Hz, the alpha frequency of EEG. Rather dramatic weight reduction of 35 per cent and a generation of cylindrical magnetic walls with B=.05 Tesla parallel to the rotation direction are reported. The sign of the effect depends on the direction of rotation.
The situation resembles in many respects to that in the Biefeld Brown effect.
  1. Could the Pollack effect feed electrons to the magnetic and/or electric FB of the system. The electrons would also leave some of their angular momentum to the FB and drop back. Otherwise the rotors develop a positive charge Q= ω BS proportional to the rotation frequency ω, magnetic field B and the area S of the vertical boundary of the cylinder, as in the Faraday effect.

    The pumping of electrons to the FB would generate both the momentum and angular momentum as a recoil effect. Now the vertical components of momentum and angular momentum in z-direction would be involved. In the first approximation, the magnetic field can be modelled as a dipole field in Maxwellian theory.

  2. Rollers are rotating magnets. What is interesting is that in the Faraday effect a rotating magnet develops a radial voltage proportional to the rotating frequency and magnetic field. One expects that the same occurs for the rollers. This cannot be understood in Maxwell's theory as induction since the motion is not linear and the calculation of the voltage using the same formula requires a generation of a charge density. In TGD, the assumption that the vector potential of the magnetic field rotates with the magnet, explains the effect. Could this charge density be due to a transfer of electrons to the FB of the system? Positive charge density would be generated and create a force opposite to the direction of the Earth's gravitational acceleration so that the Faraday effect for the rollers cannot explain the findings.
  3. One expects that the vector potentials for the magnetic fields of rollers rotate as in the Faraday effect. Also the magnetic fields associated with the rollers or rather, their flux tubes should rotate. This could lead to a twisting of the flux tubes. The twisting would suggest that the flux tubes of FBs of the rollers are helical monopole flux tubes (by rotation) emerging from the top and retung back at the bottom of the roller system. There is an obvious analogy with the solar magnetic field.

    Could this generate momentum and angular momentum recoils? The two ends of the rollers should generate different recoils. The only asymmetry between the top and bottom is that the Earth surface bounds the system at the bottom. Could this give rise to a higher degree of quantum coherence at the upper ends of the rollers, which could give rise to a non-vanishing net acceleration and angular acceleration.

  4. The observed magnetic walls could correspond to the return flux associated with the magnetic field of the rollers. That they are walls suggests that the flux tubes from the rollers fuse to a single flux wall and this gives rise to a quantum coherence. That the return flux consists of several magnetic walls rather than a single one suggests that the magnetic wall emerging from the roller system decomposes to these walls and the scale of quantum coherence is reduced. If the fluxes of walls return separately to the lower ends of rollers the degree of quantum coherence would be lower and this could give rise to a net effect.
  5. Where could the energy of rotation and lift come from? Does it come from some external source, say the MB of the Earth? This could relate to as the 10 Hz cyclotron resonance assignable to the Fe ions in the "endogenous" magnetic field Bend= 2BE/5 assigned to the monopole flux tubes as the model for the findings of Blackman suggests?

    Does the energy come from the internal magnetic energy of the stator magnet or of rollers? Or does the energy come from the electrostatic energy associated with the horizontal electric field between electrodes and rollers as in the Biefeld Brown effect. This voltage should gradually reduce if this is the case.

See the article About Biefeld Brown effect or the chapter About long range electromagnetic quantum coherence in TGD Universe.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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