Friday, May 31, 2024

In what sense the early Universe could contain dark matter or energy as primordial blackholes?

Are blackholes possible in the early Universe? Is the energy density in the early Universe so high that the gravitation collapses matter to blackholes? Could primordial blackholes explain the dark matter (see this)?

Before trying to cook up answers to these questions one should ask whether these questions are physically meaningful?  I believe that a more meaningful question concerns the reality of blackholes. They represent singularities,  at which general relativity fails. How should one modify general relativity to get rid of a system carrying the entire mass of the star in a single point? Perhaps this is the correct question.

TGD provides this modification. It solves the basic problem of GRT due the loss of the classical conservation laws and which also predicts the standard model symmetries and classical fields. In TGD, blackholes are replaced by blackhole-like objects, which can be regarded as tangles of monopole flux tubes filling the entire volume below the Schwartschild radius.

This leads to a new view of the  very early Universe. Cosmic strings with 2-D M^4 projection and 2-D CP_2 projection dominate in the very early Universe. Cosmic strings are unstable against the thickening of M^4 projection and this gives to quasars as blackhole-like objects, or rather, to  white-hole-like objects feeding energy into environment as the dark energy of the cosmic string transforms to ordinary matter as it thickens to monopole flux tube.

One might   say that these primordial blackhole-like objects evaporate and produces ordinary matter. One can also say that this  process is the TGD counterpart of inflation. The exponential expansion is not needed in TGD since quantum coherence in the scales  made possible by the presence of arbitrarily long cosmic strings with monopole flux making them stable against splitting implies the approximate constancy of  CMB temperature.

See the article About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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