Friday, November 03, 2023

Pollack effect and evaporation without heating

It has been found (see this) that irradiation by visible light can evaporate water without any heat, this is called photomolecular effect.

What comes first in mind for a habitant of the TGD Universe is that the photomolecular effect reduces to Pollack effect in which light in visible and infrared wavelength range induces a formation of negatively charged regions, exclusion zones (EZs) containing fourth phase of water, as Pollack calls them. These regions have very strange properties suggesting time reversal: for instance, they clean themselves from impurities which suggests diffusion with a reversed arrow of time at the magnetic body of EZ. EZs are layered structures with effective stoichiometry H1.5O. Pollack talks of EZs fourth phase of water and the ordered water at the surfaces of say biomolecules like DNA and folded proteins could consist of this kind of phase.

TGD proposes a model of Pollack effect based on the TGD view of dark matter. Part of protons would go to the magnetic body of water and form dark proton sequences. Pollack effect has become one of the key mechanisms of the TGD inspired quantum biology and would appear in metabolism (ATP), biocatalysis, and nerve pulse generation: see .

Quite recently it has been learned that the water-air boundary has a thin cover, which consists of a phase analogous to ice (see this). A reasonable hypothesis is that this phase consists of the fourth phase of water and is responsible for the surface tension of the bulk water. I have developed a TGD based model for the anomalies related to freezing in nanoscales explaining also this phenomenon (see this).

How could the Pollack effect induce evaporation without heat? Evaporation occurs at criticality. In TGD it could be accompanied by quantum criticality meaning the presence of dark matter at the magnetic body of the water, in particular dark protons generated in the Pollack effect. At quantum criticality the bulk water is unstable against the formation of water droplets surrounded by layers of fourth phase. The surface area of droplets plus bulk water is larger than that of bulk. More of the fourth phase of water must be created and this requires energy. The irradiation would provide this energy by the Pollack effect.

See the article TGD inspired model for freezing in nano scales or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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