Monday, March 04, 2024

About the TGD counterpart of the inflationary cosmology

The question of Marko Manninen related to the inflation theory (see this) inspired the following considerations related to the TGD counterpart of the inflationary period assumed to precede the radiation dominated phase and to produce ordinary matter in the decay of inflaton fields.

Recall that inflation theory was motivated by several problems of the standard model of cosmology: the almost constancy of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background; the nearly flatness of 3-space implying in standard cosmology that the mass density is very nearly critical; and the empirical absence of magnetic monopoles predicted by GUTs. The proposal solving these problems was that the universe had critical mass density before the radiation dominated cosmology, which forced exponential expansion and that our observable Universe defined by the horizon radius corresponds to a single coherent region of 3-space.

The critical mass density was required by the model and exponential expansion implying approximate flatness. The almost constant microwave temperature would be due to the exponential decay of temperature gradients and diluted monopole density. The model also explained the temperature fluctuations as Gaussian fluctuations caused by the fluctuations of the mass density. The generation of matter from the decay of the energy density of vacuum assigned with the vacuum expectation values of inflaton fields was predicted to produce the ordinary matter. There was however also a very severe problem: the prediction of a multiverse: there would be an endless number of similar expanded coherence regions with different laws of physics.

A very brief summary of the TGD variant of this theory is in order before going into the details.

  1. The TGD view is based on a new space-time concept: space-time surfaces are at the fundamental level identified as 4-D surfaces in H=M4× CP2. They have rich topologies and they are of finite size. The Eisteinian space-time of general relativity as a small metric deformation of empty Minkowski space M4 is predicted at the long length scale limit as an effective description. TGD however predicts a rich spectrum of space-time topologies which mean deviation from the standard model in short scales and these have turned out to be essential not only for the understanding of primordial cosmology but also the formation of galaxies, stars and planets.
  2. In TGD, the role of inflaton fields decaying to ordinary matter is taken by what I call cosmic strings, which are 3-D extremely thin string-like objects of form X2× Y2⊂ M4× CP2, have a huge energy density (string tension) and decay to monopole flux tubes and liberate ordinary matter and dark matter in the process. That cosmic strings and monopole flux tubes form a "gas" in M4× CP2 solves the flatness problem: M4 is indeed flat!

    TGD also involves the number theoretic vision besides geometric vision: these visions are related by what I call M8-H duality, see for instance this, this and this for the odyssey leading to its recent dramatically simplified form this. The basic prediction is a hierarchy of Planck constants heff=nh0 labelling phases of ordinary matter behaving like dark matter: these phases explain missing baryonic matter whereas galactic dark matter corresponds to dark energy as the energy of monopole flux tubes.

    Quantum coherence becomes possible in arbitrarily long scales and in cosmic scales gravitational quantum coherence replaces the assumption that the observed universe corresponds to an exponentially expanding coherence region and saves it from the multiverse. This solves the problem due to the constancy of the CMB background temperature.

  3. In the TGD framework, cosmic strings thickened to monopole flux tubes are present in the later cosmology and would define the TGD counterpart of critical mass density in the inflationary cosmology but not at the level of space-time but in M4⊂ M4× CP2. The monopole flux tubes are always closed: this solves the problem posed by the magnetic monopoles in GUTs. Monopole flux tubes also explain the stability of long range magnetic fields, which are a mystery in standard cosmology even at the level of planets such as Earth.
  4. The fluctuations of CMB temperature would be due to the density fluctuations. In inflation theory they would correspond to the fluctuations of the inflaton field vacuum expectation values. In TGD, the density fluctuations would be associated with quantum criticality explaining the critical mass density ρcr. The fluctuations δ ρcr of the critical mass density for the monopole flux tubes would be due to the spectrum for the values of effective Planck constant heff: one would have δ T/T ∝ δ heff/heff. This would give a direct connection between cosmology and quantum biology where the phases with large heff are in a fundamental role.
See the article About the TGD counterpart of the inflationary cosmology or the chapter TGD and Cosmology.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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