Friday, April 24, 2015

Variation of Newton's constant and of length of day

J. D. Anderson et al have published an article discussing the observations suggesting a periodic variation of the measured value of Newton constant and variation of length of day (LOD) (see also this). This article represents TGD based explanation of the observations in terms of a variation of Earth radius. The variation would be due to the pulsations of Earth coupling via gravitational interaction to a dark matter shell with mass about 1.3× 10-4ME introduced to explain Flyby anomaly: the model would predict Δ G/G= 2Δ R/R and Δ LOD/LOD= 2Δ RE/RE with the variations pf G and length of day in opposite phases. The expermental finding Δ RE/RE= MD/ME is natural in this framework but should be deduced from first principles.

The gravitational coupling would be in radial scaling degree of freedom and rigid body rotational degrees of freedom. In rotational degrees of freedom the model is in the lowest order approximation mathematically equivalent with Kepler model. The model for the formation of planets around Sun suggests that the dark matter shell has radius equal to that of Moon's orbit. This leads to a prediction for the oscillation period of Earth radius: the prediction is consistent with the observed 5.9 years period. The dark matter shell would correspond to n=1 Bohr orbit in the earlier model for quantum gravitational bound states based on large value of Planck constant. Also n>1 orbits are suggestive and their existence would provide additional support for TGD view about quantum gravitation.

For details see the chapter Cosmology and Astrophysics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time or the article Variation of Newton's constant and of length of day.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.

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