Saturday, April 25, 2015

Good and Evil, Life and Death

In principle the proposed conceptual framework allows already now a consideration of the basic questions relating to concepts like Good and Evil and Life and Death. Of course, too many uncertainties are involved to allow any definite conclusions, and one could also regard the speculations as outputs of the babbling period necessarily accompanying the development of the linguistic and conceptual apparatus making ultimately possible to discuss these questions more seriously.

Even the most hard boiled materialistic sceptic mentions ethics and moral when suffering personal injustice. Is there actual justification for moral laws? Are they only social conventions or is there some hard core involved? Is there some basic ethical principle telling what deeds are good and what deeds are bad?

Second group of questions relates to life and biological death. How should on define life? What happens in the biological death? Is self preserved in the biological death in some form? Is there something deserving to be called soul? Are reincarnations possible? Are we perhaps responsible for our deeds even after our biological death? Could the law of Karma be consistent with physics? Is liberation from the cycle of Karma possible?

In the sequel these questions are discussed from the point of view of TGD inspired theory of consciousness. It must be emphasized that the discussion represents various points of view rather than being a final summary. Also mutually conflicting points of view are considered. The cosmology of consciousness, the concept of self having space-time sheet and causal diamond as its correlates, the vision about the fundamental role of negentropic entanglement, and the hierarchy of Planck constants identified as hierarchy of dark matters and of quantum critical systems, provide the building blocks needed to make guesses about what biological death could mean from subjective point of view.

For details see the article Good and Evil, Life and Death.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.


Anonymous said...

The Zen-koan about 500-years as a fox is about karma and denial of. Liberation from karma is not denial of karma, nor rule of karma - the opposite of liberation. I'm tempted to formulate in this context, that even in liberated state karma does not cease being observable, even though karma is not being fed causal metabolic energy.

And strangely, "saint" does not become saint by excluding but by including every "sinner". "Saint" that morally-judgmentally excludes sinners from "higher-self" is the worst "sinner", the worst Jungian shadow-projector. Those who do most horrible, most hurting deeds are not the self-loving and self-pleasing "sinners" but the White Knights of Light and Truth, who build highway to hell paved with "good intentions". said...

Exactly. Good deeds generate negentropic entanglement with owner sinners and is gift to them too.