Tuesday, September 28, 2021

TGD and Quantum Hydrodynamics

This work is devoted to the question of what quantum hydrodynamics could mean in the TGD framework. In the standard picture quantum hydrodynamics (see this) is obtained from the hydrodynamic interpretation of the Schrödinger equation. Bohm theory involves this interpretation.
  1. Quantum hydrodynamics appears in TGD as an exact classical correlate of quantum theory. Modified Dirac equation forces as a consistency condition classical field equations for X4. Actually, a TGD variant of the supersymmetry, which is very different from the standard SUSY, is in question.
  2. TGD itself has the structure of hydrodynamics. Field equations for a single space-time sheet are conservation laws. Minimal surfaces as counterparts of massless fields emerge as solutions satisfying simultaneously analogs of Maxwell equations. Beltrami flow for classical Kähler field defines an integrable flow. There is no dissipation classically and this can be interpreted as a correlate for a quantum coherent phase.
  3. Induced Kähler form J is the fundamental field variable. Classical em and Z0 fields have it as a part. For S3⊂ CP2 em and Z0 fields are proportional to J: which suggests large parity breaking effects. Hydrodynamic flow would naturally correspond to a generalized Beltrami flow and flow lines would integrate to a hydrodynamic flow.
  4. The condition that Kähler magnetic field defines an integrable flow demands that one can define a coordinate along the flow line. This would suggest non-dissipating generalized Beltrami flows as a solution to the field equations and justifies the expectation that Einstein's equations are obtained at QFT limit.
  5. If one assumes that a given conserved current defines an integrable flow, the current is a gradient. The strongest condition is that this is true for all conserved currents. The non-triviality of the first homotopy group could allow gradient flows at the fundamental level. The situation changes at the QFT limit.
  6. Beltrami conditions make sense also for fermionic conserved currents as purely algebraic linear conditions stating that fermionic current is a gradient of some function bilear in oscillator operators. Whether they are actually implied by the classical Beltrami conditions, is an interesting question.
  7. The requirement that modified Dirac operator at the level of space-time surface is in a well-defined sense a projection of the Dirac operator of H implies that for preferred extremals the isometry currents are proportional to projections if the corresponding Killing vectors with proportionality factor constant along the projections of their flow lines. This implies as generalization of the energy conservation along flow lines of hydrodynamical flow (ρ v2/2+p=constant).

    This also leads to a braiding type representations for isometry flows of H in theirs of their projections to the space-time surface and it seems that quantum groups emerge from these representations. Physical intuition suggests that only the Cartan algebra corresponding to commuting observables allows this representation so that the selection of quantization axes would select also space-time surface as a higher level state function reduction.

    One also ends up to a generalization of Equivalence Principle stating that the charges assignable to "inertial" or "objective" representations of H isometries in WCW affecting space-time surfaces as analogs of particles are identical with the charges of "gravitational" or subjective representations which act inside space-time surfaces. This has also implications for M8-H duality.

  8. Minimal surfaces as analogs of solutions of massless field equations and their additional property of being extremals of Kähler action gives a very concrete connection with Maxwell's theory öcite{btart/minimal}.
In the sequel some key challenges of hydrodynamics are considered from TGD point of view.
  1. The generation of turbulence is one of the main problems of classical hydrodynamics and TGD inspired quantum hydrodynamics suggests a solution to this problem. Not only "classical" is replaced with "quantum" but also quantum theory is generalized.

    The key notion is magnetic body (MB): MB carries dark matter as heff=nh0 phases and controls the flow at the level of ordinary matter. Magnetic flux tubes would be associated with the vortices. The proposal inspired by super-fluidity is that velocity field is proportional to Kähler gauge potential and that the cores of vortices corresponds to monopole flux tubes whereas their exteriors would correspond to Lagrangian flux tubes with a vanishing Kähler field so that velocity field is gradient. Vorticity field would correspond to the Z0 magnetic field so that a very close analogy with superconductivity emerges.

    The model is applied to several situations. The generation of turbulence and its decay in a flow near boundaries is discussed. ZEO suggests that the generation of turbulence could correspond to temporary time reversal associated with a macroscopic "big" (ordinary) state function reduction (BSFR).

    Also the connection with magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is considered. The reconnection of the field lines is replaced with the reconnection of flux tubes. The fact that monopole flux tubes require no current to generate the magnetic field provides a new insight to the problem of how magnetic fields in astrophysical scales are generated.

    The topological picture based on flux tubes can be applied to the collisions of circular vortices. Also the violations of the circulation theorem of Kelvin is discussed.

  2. Second section is devoted to hydrodynamic quantum analogs studied by Bush et al. These intriguing phenomena, in particular Couder walker bounces along a Faraday wave that it generates. Also surfing mode is possible. The energy feed comes from shaking the water pool and plays a role of metabolic energy feed leading to self-organization. This phenomenon allows in the TGD framework a modelling based on quantum gravitational hydrodynamics. MB serves as a "boss" and therefore takes the role of the pilot wave proposed by Bush. The key prediction that the Faraday wave length analogous to Compton wavelength equals to the gravitational Compton length Λgr= GM/v0 is correct.
  3. Also the electromagnetic and Z0 analogs of ℏgr make sense and it asked whether in these scales the gravitational, Z0 and electromagnetic Compton lengths are identical at gravitational flux tubes and that particles are at flux tubes with length of order this wavelength. The twistor lift predicts that also M4 has Kähler structure and M4 Kähler form could give contribution to electromagnetic and Z0 fields. Kähler currents for M4 and CP2 parts are separately conserved and this leads to ask whether Magnus forces resembling Lorentz force could reflect the presence of classical Z0 force or M4 contribution to the Kähler force.
  4. One section is devoted to the attempt to understand the origin of viscosity and interpret critical Reynolds numbers in the TGD framework. In TGD quantum gravitation involves quantum coherence in astrophysical scales so that it is not totally surprising that the critical Reynolds numbers associated with the turbulence in pipe flow and flow past a plate relate directly to the gravitational Compton lengths of Earth and Sun: In the case of Sun ℏgr involves two values of the velocity parameter β0 appearing in the Nottale formula. Also a model for the ordinary viscosity and its increase with a decreasing temperature is discussed.
  5. Also nuclear and hadron physics suggests applications for QHD. The basic vision about what happens in high energy nuclear and hadron collisions is that two BSFRs ("big" state function reductions changing the arrow of time) take place. The first BSFR creates the intermediate state with heff>h: the entire system formed by colliding systems need not be in this state. In nuclear physics this state corresponds to a dark nucleus which decays in the next BSFR to ordinary nuclei. The basic notions are the notion of dark matter at MB and ZEO, in particular the change of the arrow of time in BSFR.

    See the article TGD and Quantum Hydrodynamics or the chapter with the same title.

    For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

    Articles and other material related to TGD.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Breakthrough prediction for quantum hydrodynamics and quantum gravity according to TGD

The hydrodynamic quantum analogs are highly interesting from TGD point of view and Wikipedia article gives a nice summary about them (see this). The quantum-like aspects are associated with a hydrodynamical system consisting of a liquid layer and liquid drop. Liquid surface in a periodic accelerated motion due to shaking: this means energy feed. The fluid bath is just below the criticality for a generation of standing Faraday wave and the bouncind particle indeed generates this kind of wave.

Depending on the values of the parameters, the liquid drop is surfing, bouncing at a fixed position, or "walking" along the surface wave. The surface wave is created by the interaction of particle with the surface. These findings suggest that macrosopic quantum coherence could be involved and quantum phenomena have also classical description. There is energy feed to the systems.

The findings of the group led by Bush and describe in his Youtube lecture (see this) give a nice overall view about the quantum analogs. Bush also suggests a generalization of theory of Vigier involving two pilot waves, which correspond to those associated with wave function and to classical system and theory of Bohm involving single pilot wave assigned to wave function.

The article of Bush et al (see this) describes the findings about the analog of quantum corral. The latter involves electrons inside a circular corral defined by negative ions.

" Bouncing droplets can self-propel laterally along the surface of a vibrated fluid bath by virtue of a resonant interaction with their own wave field . The resulting walking droplets exhibit features reminiscent of microscopic quantum particles. Here we present the results of an experimental investigation of droplets walking in a circular corral. We demonstrate that a coherent wavelike statistical behavior emerges from the complex underlying dynamics and that the probability distribution is prescribed by the Faraday wave mode of the corral. The statistical behavior of the walking droplets is demonstrated to be analogous to that of electrons in quantum corrals.

The key questions are following.

  1. Could quantum classical correspondence (QCC) be more than an approximation (stationary phase approximation). Note that in TGD QCC is in a well-defined sense exact.
  2. Can a macroscopic system can exhibit quantal looking behavior and is there a genuine quantum behavior behind it? In the TGD framework, the hierarchy of effective Planck constants heff=nh0 labelling phases of ordinary matter located at magnetic body (MB). MB has a hierarchical structure and defines a master slave hierarchy.

    A given level of the hierarchy controls the physics at the lower levels. heff hierarchy makes quantum coherence possible in arbitrarily long scales at MB and this induces coherence at the level of ordinary matter and makes possible self-organization. The increase of heff requires however the analogy of metabolic energy feed quite generally.

    There is indeed energy feed to the studied system at frequency of f=50 Hz of the vibrating cylindrical shaker. The standing wave resonance occurs at Faraday frequency fF= f/2. The Faraday frequency has slow time variation with the frequency f and slightly below fF.

    The system system should be near criticality for the generation of heff phases. These phases at MB would induce long range correlations of ordinary matter near criticality. The system studied is indeed near criticality for the generation of standing Faraday waves.

  3. What could the value of heff be? The Faraday wave length λF= 2\pi\sqrt{2ν/μ should be equal to the analog of Compton wavelength λc =ℏeff/m, m the mass of the water droplet. λF does not however depend on the mass of the droplet and in the model of the Faraday waves hydrodynamical is determined in the model considered by the properties of the fluid that is friction and kinematic viscosity.

    The only possibility is that one has ℏeff= ℏgr = GMm/v0, where ℏgr is the gravitational Planck constant introduced by Nottale and also appearing in the TGD based model of superconductivity. This would give λF= λ>gr= GM/v0= rs(M)/2v0, where rs(M) is Schartschild radius. M is naturally the mass of Earth. The minimum value of λgr corresponds to v0/c=1 and is λgr= rs/2. Earth's Scwartschild radius is 8.7 mm so that one would have λF= 4.35 mm.

    The value of λF for the system studied in the analog of quantum corral by Bush et al is 4.75 mm \cite{bcond/qcorral} and about 10 per cent larger than the minimal value suggesting that β0=v0/c\simeq .92!

    If this single testable prediction is not a nasty coincidence, it would mean an instantaneous breakthrough for the TGD view about quantum gravitation as macroscopic and even astrophysical phenomenon. The only parameter that can be varied in the prediction is β0. One could measure λF=2\pi (2ν/μ)1/2 for different liquids to see whether v0 codes for the properties of the liquid or whether λF is independent of the liquid so that the classical model for Faraday waves could be wrong.

  4. The system has a memory in the sense that the induced Faraday wave interpreted as an analog of pilot wave is affected by the bouncing particle and in turns determines particle behavior but not quite completely: an analog of non-deterministic "zitterbewegung" seems to be present for strong enough acccelerations. The observations about the double slit experiment and also about approach to chaotic behavior indeed suggests that the system is not completely deterministic. The findings also suggest that the statistical description of this non-determinism is analogous that in quantum systems.

    In ZEO quantum state as time= constant snapshot is replaced with a space-time surface as preferred extremal (PE) analogous to Bohr orbit. What comes in mind, is that the bouncing corresponds to "small" SFRs (SSFRs). The determinism of PEs is not quite exact that it would serve as correlate for what I call cognitive measurements as SSFRs. In the TGD inspired theory of consciousness, the loci of non-determism for space-time surfaces as analogs of soap filmds would serve as the seats of mental images quite universally and also represent conscious memories.

  5. In this talk Bush interprets the Faraday wave induced by the motion of the droplet along the surface as a kind of pilot wave. In the TGD framework the counterpart of the pilot wave would be the magnetic body (MB) carrying heff=nh0 phases quantum controlling the behavior of ordinary matter. The magnetic flux tubes assignable to the exteriors of vortex cores are proposed to be present in microscopic scale also below turbulence and to serve as correlates for the vorticity caused by the boundary conditions at the boundary of flowing liquid. Now these boundaries correspond to the boundary between air and liquid bath and air and liquid droplet and could explain how the gravitational magnetic body characterized by ℏgr enters into the physics of the moving water droplet.
The results discussed in the talk of Bush and the article provide a benchmark test for the general picture provided by TGD and allows to sharpen the TGD view about QCC in quantum hydrodynamics (QHD).

See the article TGD and condensed matter.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

TGD as it is towards end of 2021

Writing a summary about Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD) as it is now led to considerable progress in several aspects of TGD.
  1. The mutual entanglement of fermions (bosons) as elementary particles is always maximal so that only fermionic and bosonic degrees can entangle in QFTs. The replacement of point-like particles with 3-surfaces forces us to reconsider the notion of identical particles from the category theoretical point of view. The number theoretic definition of particle identity seems to be the most natural and implies that the new degrees of freedom make possible geometric entanglement.

    Also the notion particle generalizes: also many-particle states can be regarded as particles with the constraint that the operators creating and annihilating them satisfy commutation/anticommutation relations. This leads to a close analogy with the notion of infinite prime.

  2. The understanding of the details of the M8-H duality forces us to modify the earlier view. The notion of causal diamond (CD) central to zero energy ontology (ZEO) emerges as a prediction at the level of H. The pre-image of CD at the level of M8 is a region bounded by two mass shells rather than CD. M8-H duality maps the points of cognitive representations as momenta of quarks with fixed mass in M8 to either boundary of CD in H. Mass shell (its positive and negative energy parts) is mapped to a light-like boundary of CD with size T= heff/m, m the mass associated with momentum.
  3. Galois confinement at the level of M8 is understood at the level of momentum space and is found to be necessary. Galois confinement implies that quark momenta in suitable units are algebraic integers but integers for Galois singlet just as in ordinary quantization for a particle in a box replaced by CD. Galois confinement could provide a universal mechanism for the formation of all bound states.
  4. There is considerable progress in the understanding of the quantum measurement theory based on ZEO. From the point of view of cognition BSFRs would be like heureka moments and the sequence of SSFRs would correspond to an analysis having as a correlate the decay of 3-surface to smaller 3-surfaces.
See the the article TGD as it is towards end of 2021 or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

TGD and Condensed Matter

The writing of an article about possible condensed matter applications of TGD led to a considerable progress in TGD itself and in the following I shall briefly summarize also the new perspectives.

It is perhaps good to explain what TGD is not and what it is or hoped to be.

  1. "Geometro-" refers to the idea about the geometrization of physics. The geometrization program of Einstein is extended to gauge fields allowing realization in terms of the geometry of surfaces so that Einsteinian space-time as abstract Riemann geometry is replaced with sub-manifold geometry. The basic motivation is the loss of classical conservation laws in General Relativity Theory (GRT). Also the interpretation as a generalization of string models by replacing string with 3-D surface is natural.

    Standard model symmetries uniquely fix the choice of 8-D space in which space-time surfaces live to H=M4× CP2. Also the notion of twistor is geometrized in terms of surface geometry and the existence of twistor lift fixes the choice of H completely so that TGD is unique. The geometrization applies even to the quantum theory itself and the space of space-time surfaces - "world of classical worlds" (WCW) - becomes the basic object endowed with Kähler geometry. General Coordinate Invariance (GCI) for space-time surfaces has dramatic implications. Given 3-surface fixes the space-time surface almost completely as analog of Bohr orbit (preferred extremal).This implies holography and leads to zero energy ontology (ZEO) in which quantum states are superpositions of space-time surfaces.

  2. Consider next the attribute "Topological". In condensed matter physical topological physics has become a standard topic. Typically one has fields having values in compact spaces, which are topologically non-trivial. In the TGD framework space-time topology itself is non-trivial as also the topology of H=M4× CP2.

    The space-time as 4-surface X4 ⊂ H has a non-trivial topology in all scales and this together with the notion of many-sheeted space-time brings in something completely new. Topologically trivial Einsteinian space-time emerges only at the QFT limit in which all information about topology is lost.

    Practically any GCI action has the same universal basic extremals: CP2 type extremals serving basic building bricks of elementary particles, cosmic strings and their thickenings to flux tubes defining a fractal hierarchy of structure extending from CP2 scale to cosmic scales, and massless extremals (MEs) define space-time correletes for massless particles. World as a set or particles is replaced with a network having particles as nodes and flux tubes as bonds between them serving as correlates of quantum entanglement.

    "Topological" could refer also to p-adic number fields obeying p-adic local topology differing radically from the real topology.

  3. Adelic physics fusing real and various p-adic physics are part of the number theoretic vision, which provides a kind of dual description for the description based on space-time geometry and the geometry of "world of classical" orders. Adelic physics predicts two fractal length scale hierarchies: p-adic length scale hierarchy and the hierarchy of dark length scales labelled by heff=nh0, where n is the dimension of extension of rational. The interpretation of the latter hierarchy is as phases of ordinary matter behaving like dark matter. Quantum coherence is possible in all scales.

    The concrete realization of the number theoretic vision is based on M8-H duality. The physics in the complexification of M8 is algebraic - field equations as partial differential equations are replaced with algebraic equations associating to a polynomial with rational coefficients a X4 mapped to H by M8-H duality. The dark matter hierarchy corresponds to a hierarchy of algebraic extensions of rationals inducing that for adeles and has interpretation as an evolutionary hierarchy.

    M8-H duality provides two complementary visions about physics, and can be seen as a generalization of the q-p duality of wave mechanics, which fails to generalize to quantum field theories (QFTs).

  4. In Zero energy ontology (ZEO), the superpositions of space-time surfaces inside causal diamond (CD) having their ends at the opposite light-like boundaries of CD, define quantum states. CDs form a scale hierarchy.

    Quantum jumps occur between these and the basic problem of standard quantum measurement theory disappears. Ordinary state function reductions (SFRs) correspond to "big" SFRs (BSFRs) in which the arrow of time changes. This has profound thermodynamic implications and the question about the scale in which the transition from classical to quantum takes place becomes obsolete. BSFRs can occur in all scales but from the point of view of an observer with an opposite arrow of time they look like smooth time evolutions.

    In "small" SFRs (SSFRs) as counterparts of "weak measurements" the arrow of time does not change and the passive boundary of CD and states at it remain unchanged (Zeno effect).

The writing of the article summarizing TGD and its possible condensed matter applications led to considerable progress in several aspects of TGD and also forced to challenge some aspects of the earlier picture.
  1. The mutual entanglement of fermions (bosons) as elementary particles is always maximal so that only fermionic and bosonic degrees can entangle in QFTs. The replacement of point-like particles with 3-surfaces forces us to reconsider the notion of identical particles from the category theoretical point of view. The number theoretic definition of particle identity seems to be the most natural and implies that the new degrees of freedom make possible geometric entanglement.

    Also the notion particle generalizes: also many-particle states can be regarded as particles with the constraint that the operators creating and annihilating them satisfy commutation/anticommutation relations. This leads to a close analogy with the notion of infinite prime.

  2. The understanding of the details of the M8-H duality forces us to modify the earlier view. The notion of causal diamond (CD) central to zero energy ontology (ZEO) emerges as a prediction at the level of H. The pre-image of CD at the level of M8 is a region bounded by two mass shells rather than CD. M8-H duality maps the points of cognitive representations as momenta of quarks with fixed mass in M8 to either boundary of CD in H.
  3. Galois confinement at the level of M8 is understood at the level of momentum space and is found to be necessary. Galois confinement implies that quark momenta in suitable units are algebraic integers but integers for Galois singlet just as in ordinary quantization for a particle in a box replaced by CD. Galois confinement could provide a universal mechanism for the formation of all bound states.
  4. There is considerable progress in the understanding of the quantum measurement theory based on ZEO. From the point of view of cognition BSFRs would be like heureka moments and the sequence of SSFRs would correspond to an analysis having as a correlate the decay of 3-surface to smaller 3-surfaces.
The improved vision allows us to develop the TGD interpretation for various condensed matter notions.
  1. TGD is analogous to hydrodynamics in the sense that field equations at the level of H reduce to conservation laws for isometry charges. The preferred extremal property meaning that space-time surfaces are simultaneous extremals of volume action and Kähler action allows interpretation in terms of induced gauge fields. The generalized Beltrami property implies the existence of an integrable flow serving as a correlate for quantum coherence. Conserved Beltrami flows currents correspond to gradient flows. At the QFT limit this simplicity would be lost.
  2. The fields H, M, B and D, P, E needed in the applications of Maxwell's theory could emerge at the fundamental level in the TGD framework and reflect the deviation between Maxwellian and the TGD based view about gauge fields due to CP2 topology.
  3. The understanding of macroscopic quantum phases improves. The role of the magnetic body carrying dark matter is central. The understanding of the role of WCW degrees of freedom improves considerably in the case of Bose-Einstein condensates of bosonic particles such as polaritons. M8 picture allows us to understand the notion of skyrmion. The formation of Cooper pairs and analogous states with higher energy would correspond to a formation of Galois singlets liberating energy used to increase heff. What is new is that energy feed makes possible supra-phases and their analogs above the critical temperature.
  4. Fermi surface emerges as a fundamental notion at the level of M8 but has a counterpart also at the level of H. Galois groups would be crucial for understanding braids, anyons and fractional Quantum Hall effect. Space-time surface could be seen as a curved quasicrystal associated with the lattice of M8 defined by algebraic integers in an extension of rationals. Also the TGD analogs of condensed matter Majorana fermions emerge.
See the article TGD and Condensed Matter or a chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.