Thursday, April 05, 2007

Evidence for color excitations of muons

One of the basic deviations of TGD from standard model is the prediction of colored excitations of quarks and leptons. The reason is that color is not spin like quantum number but partial wave in CP2 degrees of freedom and thus angular momentum like. Accordingly new scaled variants of QCD are predicted. As a matter fact, dark matter hierarchy and p-adic length scale hierarchy populate many-sheeted Universe with fractal variants of standard model physics.

In the blog of Lubos there were comments about a new particle. The finding has been published (Phys. Rev. D74) and (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98). The mass of the new particle, which is either scalar or pseudoscalar, is 214.4 MeV whereas muon mass is 105.6 MeV. The mass is about 1.5 per cent higher than two times muon mass. The proposed interpretation is as light Higgs. I do not immediately resonate with this interpretation although p-adically scaled up variants of also Higgs bosons live happily in the fractal Universe of TGD.

For decades ago anomalous production of electron-positron pairs in heavy ion nuclear collisions just above the Coulomb wall was discovered with the mass of the pseudocalar resonance slightly above 2me. All this have been of course forgotten since it is just boring low energy phenomenology to which brave brane theorists do not waste their precious time;-). This should however put bells ringing.

TGD explanation is in terms of exotic pions consisting of colored variants of ordinary electrons predicted by TGD. I of course predicted that also muon and tau would give rise to a scaled variant of QCD type theory. Karmen anomaly gave indications that muonic variant of this QCD is there.

Just now I am working with nuclear string model where scaled variant of QCD for exotic quarks in p-adic length scale of electron is responsible for the binding of 4He nuclei to nuclear strings. One cannot exclude the possibility that the fermion and antifermion at the ends of color flux tubes connecting nucleons are actually colored leptons although the working hypothesis is that they are exotic quark and antiquark. One can of course also turn around the argument: could it be that lepto-pions are "leptonuclei", that is bound states of ordinary leptons bound by color flux tubes for a QCD in length scale considerably shorter than the p-adic length scale of lepton.

This QCD binds 4He nuclei to tangled nuclear strings. Two other scaled variants of QCD bind nucleons to 4He and lighter nuclei. The model is extremely simple and quantitatively amazingly successful. For instance, the last discovery is that the energies of giant dipole resonances can be predicted and first inspection shows that they come out correctly.

For the recent state of this model see the article Further progress in Nuclear String Hypothesis.

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