Thursday, May 03, 2012

New blow against standard view about galactic dark matter

The standard view about dark matter is in grave difficulties. The latest blow against the theory comes from the observation that Milky Way has a distribution of satellite galaxies and star clusters, which rotate around the Milky Way in plane orthogonal to Milky Way's plane. One can visualize the situation in terms of two orthogonal planes such that the second plane contains Milky Way and second one the satellite galaxies and globular clusters. The Milky Way itself has size scale of .1 million light years whereas the newly discovered structure extends from about 33,000 light years to 1 million light years. The study is carried out by astronomers in Bonn University and will be published in journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The lead author is Ph. D. student Marcel Pawlowski.

According to authors, it is not possible to understand the structure in terms of the standard model for dark matter. This model assumes that galactic dark matter forms a spherical halo around galaxy. The problem is the planarity of the newly discovered matter distribution. Not only satellite galaxies and star clusters but also the long streams of material left - stars and also gas - behind them as they orbit around Milky Way move in this plane. Planarity seems to be a basic aspect of the internal dynamics of the system. As a matter fact, quantum view about formation of also galaxies predicts planarity and this allows also to understand approximate planarity of solar system (see this): common quantization axis of angular momentum defined by the direction of string like object in the recent case with a gigantic value of gravitational Planck constant defining the unit of angular momentum would provide a natural explanation for planarity.

The proposal of the researchers is that the situation is an outcome of a collision of two galaxies.

  1. An amusing co-incidence is that the original TGD inspired model for the formation of spiral galaxies (see this) assumed that they result when two primordial cosmic strings intersect each other. This would be nothing but the counterpart of closed string vertex giving also rise to reconnection of magnetic flux tubes. Later I gave up this assumption and introduced the model in which galaxies are like pearls in necklace defined by primordial cosmic strings which since then have thickened to magnetic flux tubes. These pearls could themselves correspond to closed string like objects or their decay products. Magnetic energy would transform to matter and would be the analog for the decay of inflaton field energy to particles in inflationary scenarios.

  2. In TGD Universe galactic dark matter would correspond to the matter assignable to the magnetic flux tube defining the necklace creating 1/ρ gravitational accelerating explaining constant velocity spectrum of distant stars in galactic plane. The basic prediction is that the motion of galaxies along the flux tube is free. This can give rise to large scale motions difficult to understand in Robertson-Walker cosmology. Note that one must distinguish between galactic dark matter and dark matter assigned to the hierarchy of Planck constants in general. This dark matter is expected to be crucial in living matter but its contribution to the total mass density can be negligible.
Could one interpret the findings by assuming two big cosmic strings which have collided and decayed after that to matter? Or should one assume that the galaxies existed before the collision?
  1. The collision would have induced the decay of portions of these cosmic strings to ordinary and dark matter with large value of Planck constant. The magnetic energy of the cosmic strings identifiable as dark energy would have produced the matter. It is however not clear why the decay products would have remained in the planes orthogonal to the colliding orthogonal flux tubes. According to the researchers the planar structures must have existed before the collision.

  2. This suggests that the two flux tubes pass near each other and the galaxies have moved along the flux tubes and collided and remained stuck to each other by gravitational attraction. The probability of this kind of galactic collisions depends on what one assumes about the distribution of string like objects. Due to their mutual gravitational attraction the flux tubes could be attracted towards each other to form web like structures forming a network of cosmic highways. Milky Way would represent on particular node at which two highways form a cross-road. In this kind of situation the collisions resulting s cross-road crashes could be more frequent than those resulting from encounters of randomly moving strings. The galaxies arriving to this kind of nodes would tend to form a bound state and remain in the node. It could also happen that the second galaxy continues its journey but leaves matter behind in the form of satellite galaxies and globular clusters.

  3. It is encouraging that the TGD based explanation for galactic dark matter survives also this discovery as it survived the ealier finding that the nearby envinment of solar system does not contain dark matter in significant amounts as well as the finding of NASA that small faint galaxies do not possess dark matter halos (see the earlier posting)

For background see the chapter Cosmic Strings of "Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-time".


Ulla said...

L. Edgar Otto said...

Matti, on the topic here, as you and the zone-reflex and Dialogs of Eide discuss similar things it inspired a poem of sorts that tries to relate all of these things. I call it Meditations on the Water in My Brain...

The Pe Sla

Orwin said...

Ulla, here are equivalence classes of topological order: http://arxiv.

L. Edgar Otto said...


that was a pretty good link, thanks, but a little long winded although the main ideas come out.

In looking at the water memory thing again- and what a beautiful video you linked to on the medications- I come again to your intuitions for say carbon in its special place of evolution of the atoms. Only this time Oxygen takes on such a role- the configurations of dark electron shells of atoms- and it seems to carry over to other observed influences of the wider set of elements.

But for these things to be accepted on the order of TGD we have to look a little deeper than equivalence classes of topology. I mean in the evolution of matter it is clear that at the level of carbon and stages beyond (oxygen not toxic for animals but a new state of growth just like iron to replace copper in the blood) we find by mere topo equivalence the stages that correspond to the various string theories.

Long live your sense of such perpendicularity of things in the generalization.

The PeSla

L. Edgar Otto said...

Oh, and Ulla, for your link above I know that although omnipresent the Lorentz idea does indeed need further generalization in the higher topological and arithmetical theories not to say it is rendered trivial or obsolete. In Orwins link the idea of tensors perpendicular to a flat lattice such as that of carbon is a powerful idea to consider to arise or descend into the depths of such flatness.

Can these things be equivalent at some remote or near singularity in terms of entanglement? Or are they analogs on a different scale than around some infinity or zero?

Inside the mouth of spherical wormholes is the key to such phenomena of which we can only still imagine as part of the bigger picture.

The PeSla

Orwin said...

For The Pesla, oxygen is making the fractals in high-Tc superconduction, I think through microwave-sensitive bonds.

And here's Ulla's mass gap found generating Borel sets, proibability itself!

The crisper math focus is thanks to.. trigonometry! Matti, you might enjoy NJ Wildberger at arXiv: something of an antiquarian, he recovers Rational Trig. through harmonic ratios.

Ulla said...

Thanks, everyone.

I feel embarrassed, I am just an ignorant fellow. What I have thought of is 'What initate the formation of a wormhole, and the math of a wormhole?' Something perpendicular, like magnetism? Charge induce magn, but the opposite? Flux tube wormhole? Attention, said Matti. as charge said the vid. What is a charge? It is the difference between photons/electrons and protons, with a ratio of 1:10, says Matti. The same ratio is seen in sheets around DNA and nerves? Carbon mass gap? The problem there is that we cannot measure its 'negativity'. Or can we? The 'dark' sheets is just a word for something we have no better word for.

We also know there is something odd with the entropy concept and Big Bang theory. Entropy cannot go to Zero, because it is a ratio (1:10?)? The fractional ratio of 5?

Also, all reactions happen in the 'dark'?

My ignorance just grow :)

Ulla said...

And I want to place the Lorentz cone into biology with attention as the 'attractor'. Stress makes us narrow the attractor at the same time as it widens the cone, so we make more mistakes. We look more for rewarding things, or risk increase. This is our Free Will? The same mechanism is seen in bacs too. And in the Higgs mechanism? All systems are open and need the energy flow?

So, what is special with Life? Both a bac and a human represent Life. Bacs may act as one big coherent field, like the water dipoles. Called superorganisms. They act as one individual, one cone? How do they sense? Know where to 'jump'?

Leo Vuyk said...

May I suggest a new paradigm?

New paradigm Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) outside Galaxies, the origine of dark matter Halos with point sources

Orwin said...

I think one must accept that attention is a focus within consciousness, so it appears at submanifold level. arXiv:hep-th/000109: non-linear analysis suited to organic oscillators (Winfree stc.).

Here's night vision, day vision & effort/error load: arXiv:0907.4882v1: Tolman's Luminosity-Distance, Poincare's Light-Distance and Cayley-Klein's Hyperbolic Distance, Yves Pierseaux

And a trig lead on the cone problem: arXiv:0806.2789: Chromogeometry and relativistic conics, N. J. Wildberger

I think the quadric of general trig carries to the Kahler metric.

Orwin said...

I must emphasise, these phenomenologies are idealizations: due to entropy, the physical fields are only almost complex (Chebyshev), which has important bearing on Riemann hypoothesis:

arXiv:1202.160: Some Sufficient Conditions for the Riemann hypothesis, Choe Ryong Gil

By no coincidence, the centre foir this new trig is Montpellier in Provance: their heritage in natural philosophy is unrivalled.

Ulla said...
Till now Avagadro number [3] is a mystery. The basic counting unit in chemistry, the mole, has a special name Avogadro ‘s s number in honor of the Italian scientist Amadeo Avogadro (1776-1856). The commonly accepted definition of Avogadro number is the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of the isotope 12/6 C and the quantity itself is 6.02214179(30) x 10ˆ23 . Considering N as a fundamental input in grand unified scheme authors made an attempt to correlate the electron rest mass and its charge. It is also noticed that h (hbar) is slipping from the net and there lies the the secret of true grand unification.

Till now quantitatively or qualitatively either the large number hypothesis or the string
theory or the planck scale is not implemented in particle physics.

Ulla said...

see also the earlier post

He use SUGRA? But he derive Plancks constant? said...

Avogadro's number is a macroscopic parameter: particle physicist would direct attention to microscopic parameters. The real challenge is to understand elementary particle masses and mass scales: Avogadro's number is a derived quantity.

It is of true that the existing theories that are taken seriously in academic circles cannot say much about particle masses. Higgs mechanism means only a reproduction masses, not prediction or even explanation of the origin of mass. The mystery number is the ratio of proton mass to Planck mass and similar rations for electron and intermediate gauge bosons and quite generally for elementary particles.

It is this problem which is solve by p-adic thermodynamics with p-adic length scale hypothesis. The mysteriously small mass scales of elementary particles reduce to number theory and one obtains even precise and correct predictions for particle masses making only very general assumptions.

It is a pity that colleagues refuse to listen sensible talk. New accelerator plans are not getting funding and for good reason. If theoreticians continue to stubbornly stick to dead theories it is useless to build expensive accelerators.

Ulla said...

This Avogadros number is related to degrees of freedoms and information/entropy? So this number is linked to the quantization - and complexity?