Lubos wrote a nice summary about the talk of Nima Arkani Hamed about twistor revolution in Strings 2012 and gave also a link to the talk. It seems that Nima and collaborators are ending to a picture about scattering amplitudes which strongly resembles that provided bt generalized Feynman diagrammatics in TGD framework
TGD framework is much more general than N=4 SYM and is to it same as general relativity for special relativity whereas the latter is completely explicit. Of course, I cannot hope that TGD view could be taken seriously - at least publicly. One might hope that these approaches could be combined some day: both have a lot to give for each other. Below I compare these approaches.
The origin of twistor diagrammatics
In TGD framework zero energy ontology forces to replace the idea about continuous unitary evolution in Minkowski space with something more general assignable to causal diamonds (CDs), and S-matrix is replaced with a square root of density matrix equal to a hermitian l square root of density matrix multiplied by unitary S-matrix. Also in twistor approach unitarity has ceased to be a star actor. In p-Adic context continuous unitary time evolution fails to make sense also mathematically.
Twistor diagrammatics involves only massless on mass shell particles on both external and internal lines. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) requires same in TGD: wormhole lines carry parallely moving massless fermions and antifermions. The mass shell conditions at vertices are enormously powerful and imply UV finiteness. Also IR finiteness follows if external particles are massive.
What one means with mass is however a delicate matter. What does one mean with mass? I have pondered 35 years this question and the recent view is inspired by p-adic mass calculations and ZEO, and states that observed mass is in a well-defined sense expectation value of longitudinal mass squared for all possible choices of M2 ⊂ M4 characterizing the choices of quantization axis for energy and spin at the level of "world of classical worlds" (WCW) assignable with given causal diamond CD.
The choice of quantization axis thus becomes part of the geometry of WCW. All wormhole throats are massless but develop non-vanishing longitudinal mass squared. Gauge bosons correspond to wormhole contacts and thus consist of pairs of massless wormhole throats. Gauge bosons could develop 4-D mass squared but also remain massless in 4-D sense if the throats have parallel massless momenta. Longitudinal mass squared is however non-vanishing andp-adic thermodynamics predicts it.
The emergence of 2-D sub-dynamics at space-time level
Nima et al introduce ordering of the vertices in 4-D case. Ordering and related braiding are however essentially 2-D notions. Somehow 2-D theory must be a part of the 4-D theory also at space-time level, and I understood that understanding this is the challenge of the twistor approach at this moment.
The twistor amplitude can be represented as sum over the permutations of n external gluons and all diagrams corresponding to the same permutation are equivalent. Permutations are more like braidings since they carry information about how the permutation proceeded as a homotopy. Yang-Baxter equation emerge. The allowed braidings are minimal braidings in the sense that the repetitions of permutations of two adjacent vertices are not considered to be separate. Minimal braidings reduce to ordinary permutations. Nima also talks about affine braidings which I interpret as analogs of Kac-Moody algebras meaning that one uses projective representations which for Kac-Moody algebra mean non-trivial central extension. Perhaps the condition is that the square of a permutation permuting only two vertices which each other gives only a non-trivial phase factor. Lubos suggests an alternative interpretation for "affine" which would select only special permutations and cannot be therefore correct.
There are rules of identifying the permutation associated with a given diagram involving only basic 3-gluon vertex with white circle and its conjugate. Lubos explains this "Mickey Mouse in maze" rule in his posting in detail: to determine the image p(n) of vertex n in the permutation put a mouse in the maze defined by the diagram and let it run around obeying single rule: if the vertex is black turn right and if the vertex is white turn left. Eventually the mouse ends up to external vertex. The mouse cannot end up with loop: if it would do it, the rule would force it to run back to n after the full loop and one would have fixed point: p(n)=n. The reduction in the number of diagrams is enormous: the infinity of different diagrams reduces to n! diagrams!
- In TGD framework string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces (or either or these if they are dual notions as conjectured) at space-time surface would define the sought for 2-D theory, and one obtains indeed perturbative expansion with fermionic propagator defined by the inverse of the modified Dirac operator and bosonic propagator defined by the correlation function for small deformations of the string world sheet. The vertices of twistor diagrams emerge as braid ends defining the intersections of string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces.
String model like description becomes part of TGD and the role of string world sheets in X4 is highly analogous to that of string world sheets connecting branes in AdS5× S5 of N=4 SYM. In TGD framework 10-D AdS5× S5 is replaced with 4-D space-time surface in M4× CP2. The meaning of the analog of AdS5 duality in TGD framework should be understood. In particular, could it be that the descriptions involving string world sheets on one hand and partonic 2-surfaces - or 3-D orbits of wormhole throats defining the generalized Feynman diagram- on the other hand are dual to each other. I have conjectured something like this earlier but it takes some time for this kind of issues to find their natural answer.
- As described in the article, string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces emerge directly from the construction of the solutions of the modified Dirac equation by requiring conservation of em charge. This result has been conjectured already earlier but using other less direct arguments. 2-D "string world sheets" as sub-manifolds of the space-time surface make the ordering possible, and guarantee the finiteness of the perturbation theory involving n-point functions of a conformal QFT for fermions at wormhole throats and n-point functions for the deformations of the space-time surface. Conformal invariance should dictate these n-point functions to a high degree. In TGD framework the fundamental 3-vertex corresponds to joining of light-like orbits of three wormhole contacts along their 2-D ends (partonic 2-surfaces).
The emergence of Yangian symmetry
Yangian symmetry associated with the conformal transformations of M4 is a key symmetry of Grassmannian approach. Is it possible to derive it in TGD framework?
- TGD indeed leads to a concrete representation of Yangian algebra as generalization of color and electroweak gauge Kac-Moody algebra using general formula discussed in Witten's article about Yangian algebras (see the article).
- Article discusses also a conjecture about 2-D Hodge duality of quantized YM gauge potentials assignable to string world sheets with Kac-Moody currents. Quantum gauge potentials are defined only where they are needed - at string world sheets rather than entire 4-D space-time.
- Conformal scalings of the effective metric defined by the anticommutators of the modified gamma matrices emerges as realization of quantum criticality. They are induced by critical deformations (second variations not changing Kähler action) of the space-time surface. This algebra can be generalized to Yangian using the formulas in Witten's article (see the article).
- Critical deformations induce also electroweak gauge transformations and even more general symmetries for which infinitesimal generators are products of U(n) generators permuting n modes of the modified Dirac operator and infinitesimal generators of local electro-weak gauge transformations. These symmetries would relate in a natural manner to finite measurement resolution realized in terms of inclusions of hyperfinite factors with included algebra taking the role of gauge group transforming to each other states not distinguishable from each other.
- How to end up with Grassmannian picture in TGD framework? This has inspired some speculations in the past. From Nima's lecture one however learns that Grassmannian picture emerges as a convenient parametrization. One starts from the basic 3-gluon vertex or its conjugate expressed in terms of twistors. Momentum conservation implies that with the three twistors λi or their conjugates are proportional to each other (depending on which is the case one assigns white or black dot with the vertex). This constraint can be expressed as a delta function constraint by introducing additional integration variables and these integration variables lead to the emergence of the Grassmannian Gn,k where n is the number of gluons, and k the number of positive helicity gluons.
Since only momentum conservation is involved, and since twistorial description works because only massless on mass shell virtual particles are involved, one is bound to end up with the Grassmannian description also in TGD.
Twistor approach has also its problems and here TGD suggests how to proceed. Signature problem is the first problem.
- Twistor diagrammatics works in a strict mathematical sense only for M2,2 with metric signature (1,1,-1,-1) rather than M4 with metric signature (1,-1,-1,-1). Metric signature is wrong in the physical case. This is a real problem which must be solved eventually.
- Effective metric defined by anticommutators of the modified gamma matrices (to be distinguished from the induced gamma matrices) could solve that problem since it would have the correct signature in TGD framework (see the article). String world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces would correspond to the 2-D singularities of this effective metric at which the even-even signature (1,1,1,1) changes to even-even signature (1,1,-1,-1). Space-time at string world sheet would become locally 2-D with respect to effective metric just as space-time becomes locally 3-D with respect to the induced metric at the light-like orbits of wormhole throats. String world sheets become also locally 1-D at light-like curves at which Euclidian signature of world sheet in induced metric transforms to Minkowskian.
- Twistor amplitudes are indeed singularities and string world sheets implied in TGD framework by conservation of em charge would represent these singularities at space-time level. At the end of the talk Nima conjectured about lower-dimensional manifolds of space-time as representation of space-time singularities. Note that string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces have been part of TGD for years. TGD is of course to N=4 SYM what general relativity is for the special relativity. Space-time surface is dynamical and possesses induced and effective metrics rather than being flat.
- This perhaps dangerous and blasphemous statement that I will regret it some day but I will make it;-). Nima and others have not yet discovered that M2 ⊂ M4 must be there but will discover it when they begin to generalize the results to non-planar diagrams and realize that Feynman diagrams are analogous to knot diagrams in 2-D plane (with crossings allowed) and that this 2-D plane must correspond to M2⊂ M4. The different choices of causal diamond CD correspond to different choices of M2 representing choice of quantization axes 4-momentum and spin. The integral over these choices guarantees Lorentz invariance. Gauge conditions are modified: longitudinal M2 projection of massless four-momentum is orthogonal to polarization so that three polarizations are possible: states are massive in longitudinal sense.
- In TGD framework one replaces the lines of Feynman diagrams with the light-like 3-surfaces defining orbits of wormhole throats. These lines carry many fermion states defining braid strands at light-like 3-surfaces. There is internal braiding associated with these braid strands. String world sheets connect fermions at different wormhole throats with space-like braid strands. The M2 projections of generalized Feynman diagrams with 4-D "lines" replaced with genuine lines define the ordinary Feynman diagram as the analog of braid diagram. The conjecture is that one can reduce non-planar diagrams to planar diagrams using a procedure analogous to the construction of knot invariants by un-knotting the knot in Alexandrian manner by allowing it to be cut temporarily.
- The permutations of string vertices emerge naturally as one constructs diagrams by adding to the interior of polygon sub-polygons connected to the external vertices. This corresponds to the addition of internal partonic two-surfaces. There are very many equivalent diagrams of this kind. Only permutations matter and the permutation associated with a given diagram of this kind can be deduced by the Mickey-Mouse rule described explicitly by Lubos. A connection with planar operads is highly suggestive and also conjecture already earlier in TGD framework.
For background see the new chapter The recent vision about preferred extremals and solutions of the modified Dirac equation of "Quantum TGD as Infinite-Dimensional Geometry" or the article with the same title.
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