Monday, March 10, 2014

Pollack's findings about fourth phase of water

I have already earlier proposed a model of Brown's gas with inspiration coming from Moray B. King's lectures about splitting of water. I found that the model can be replaced by a simpler one proposed as a model for water memory as I tried to understand the experimental findings described by Gerald Pollack about fourth gel like phase of water in his Youtube lecture (see this).

I list first some basic experimental findings discovered in the laboratory led by Pollack.

  1. If one as gel water boundary a layer of thickness of ordermicrons is formed. All impurities in this layer are taken outside the layer. The layer consists of layers of molecular thickness and in these layers the stochiometry is H1.5O. The layer is negatively charged. The outside region carries compensating positive charge. This kind of blobs are formed in living matter. Also in the splitting of water producing Brown's gas negatively charged regions are reported to emerge.

  2. The process requires energy and irradiation by visible light or thermal radiation generates the layer. Even the radiation on skin can induce the phase transition. For instance, the blood flow in narrow surface veins requires metabolic energy and irradiation forces the blood to flow.

  3. The layer can serve as a battery: Pollack talks about a form of free energy deriving basically from solar radiation. The particles in the layer are taken to the outside region, and this makes possible disinfection and separation of salt from sea water. One can even understand how clouds are formed and mysteries related to the surface tension of water as being due the presence of the layer formed by

  4. In the splitting of water producing Brown's gas having a natural identification as Pollack's fourth phase of water the needed energy can come from several alternative sources: cavitation, electric field, etc...

While listening the lecture of Pollack I realized that the original model for dark water is enough to explain the properties of the exotic water according to experiments done in the laboratory of Pollack. There is no need to assume sequences of half-dark water molecules.
  1. The dark proton sequences with dark proton having size of order atomic nucleus would reside at the flux tubes of dark magnetic field which is dipole like field in the first approximation and defines the magnetic body of the negatively charged water blob. This explains the charge separation if the flux tubes have length considerably longer than the size scale of the blob which is given by size of small cell. In the model inspired (see this) by Moray B. King's lectures (see this and this) charge separation is poorly understood.

  2. An interesting question is whether the magnetic body is created by the electronic currents or whether it consists of flux tubes carrying monopole flux: in the latter case no currents would be needed. This is obviously purely TGD based possibility and due to the topology of CP2.

  3. This means that in the model inspired by the lectures of Moray B. King discussed above, one just replaces the sequences of partially dark water molecules with sequences of dark protons at the magnetic body of the H1.5O blob. The model for the proto-variants of photosynthesis and metabolism remain as such. Also now genetic code would be realized.

    These primitive forms of photosynthesis and metabolism form could be key parts of their higher level chemical variants. Photosynthesis by irradiation would induce a phase transition generating dark magnetic flux tubes (or transforming ordinary flux tubes to dark ones) and the dark proton sequences at them. Metabolism would mean burning of the resulting blobs of dark water to ordinary water leading to the loss of charge separation. This process would be analogous to the catabolism of organic polymers liberating energy. Also organic polymers in living matter carry their metabolic energy as dark proton sequences: the layer could also prevent their hydration. That these molecules are typically negatively charged would conform with the idea that dark protons at magnetic flux tubes carry the metabolic energy.

    The liberation of energy would involve increase of the p-adic prime characterizing the flux tubes and reduction of Planck constant so that the thickness of the flux tubes remains the same but the intensity of the magnetic field is reduced. The cyclotron energy of dark protons is liberated in coherent fashion and in good approximation the frequencies of the radiation corresponds to multiplies of cyclotron
    frequency: this prediction is consistent with that in the original model for the findings of Blackman and others.

    The phase transition generating dark magnetic flux tubes containing dark proton sequences would be the fundamental step transforming inanimate matter to living matter and the fundamental purpose of metabolism would be to make this possible.

This picture raises a question relating to the possible problems with physiological temperature.

  1. The Josephson radiation generated by cell membrane has photon energies coming as multiples of ZeV, where V is membrane potential about .06 V and Z=2 is the charge of electron Cooper pair. This gives E=.12 eV.

  2. There is a danger that thermal radiation masks Josephson radiation. The energy for photons at the maximum of the energy density of blackbody radiation as function of frequency is given as the maximum of function x3/(ex-1), x= E/T, given by e-x+x/3-1=0. The maximum is given approximately by x=3 and thus Emax≈ 3 T (in units c=1, kB=1). At physiological temperature T= 310 K (37 C) this gives .1 eV, which is slightly below Josephson energy: living matter seems to have minimized the value of Josephson energy - presumably to minimize metabolic costs. Note however that for the thermal energy density as function of wavelength the maximum is at E≈ 5T corresponding to 1.55 eV, which is larger than Josephson energy. The situation is clearly critical.

  3. One can ask whether also a local reduction of temperature around cell membrane in the fourth phase of water is needed.

    1. "Electric expansion" of water giving rise to charge separation and presumably creating fourth phase of water is reported to occur (see this and this).

    2. Could the electric expansion/phase transition to dark phase be adiabatic involving therefore no heat transfer between the expanding water and environment? If so, it would transform some thermal energy of expanding water to work and reduce its temperature. The formula for the adiabatic expansion of ideal gas with f degrees of freedom for particle (f=3 if there are no other than translational degrees of freedom) is (T/T0) = (V/V0), γ= (f+2)/f. This gives some idea about how large reduction of temperature might be involved. If p-adic scaling for water volume by a power of two takes place, the reduction of temperature can be quite large and it does not look realistic.

    3. The electric expansion of water need not however involve the increase of Planck constant for water volume. Only the Planck constant for flux tubes must increase and would allow the formation of dark proton sequences and the generation of cyclotron Bose-Einstein condensates or their dark analog in which fermions (electrons in particular) effectively behave as bosons (the anti-symmetrization of wave function would occur in dark degrees of freedom corresponding to multi-sheeted covering formed in the process).
For details see the chapter Meditation, Mind-Body Medicine and Placebo: TGD point of view of "TGD based view about consciousness, living matter, and remote mental interactions".

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