Thursday, February 04, 2016

From Principles to Diagrams

The generalization of twistor diagrams to TGD framework has been very inspiring (and also frightening) mission impossible and allowed to gain deep insights about what TGD diagrams could be mathematically. I of course cannot provide explicit formulas but the general structure for the construction of twistorial amplitudes in N=4 SUSY suggests an analogous construction in TGD thanks to huge symmetries of TGD and unique twistorial properties of M4× CP2.

I try to summarize the big vision. Several guiding principles are involved and have gradually evolved to a coherent whole.

Imbedding space is twistorially unique

It took roughly 36 years to learn that M4 and CP2 are twistorially unique.

  1. Space-times are surfaces in M4× CP2. M4 and CP2 are unique 4-manifolds in the sense that both allow twistor space with Kähler structure: Kähler structure is the crucial concept. Strictly speaking, M4 and its Euclidian variant E4 allow both twistor space and the twistor space of M4 is Minkowskian variant T(M4)= SU(2,2)/SU(2,1)× U(1) of 6-D twistor space CP3= SU(4)/SU(3)× U(1) of E4. The twistor space of CP2 is 6-D T(CP2)= SU(3)/U(1)× U(1), the space for the choices of quantization axes of color hypercharge and isospin.

  2. This leads to a proposal for the formulation of TGD in which space-time surfaces X4 in H are lifted to twistor spaces X6, which are sphere bundles over X4 and such that they are surfaces in 12-D product space T(M4)× T(CP2) such the twistor structure of X4 are in some sense induced from that of T(M4)× T(CP2).
    What is nice in this formulation is that one can use all the machinery of algebraic geometry so powerful in superstring theory (Calabi-Yau manifolds). It was a complete surprise that a clear examination of this ideas leads to a profound understanding of the relationship between TGD and GRT (this will be discussed in later blog posting). Planck length emerges whereas fundamental constant as also cosmological constant emerges dynamically from the length scale parameter appearing in 6-D Kähler action. One can say, that twistor extension is absolutely essential for really understanding the gravitational interactions although the modification of Kähler action is extremely small due to
    the huge value of length scale defined by cosmological constant.

  3. Masslessness (masslessness in complex sense for virtual particles in twistorialization) is essential condition for twistorialization. In TGD massless is masslessness in 8-D sense for the representations of superconformal algebras. This suggests that 8-D variant of twistors makes sense. 8-dimensionality indeed allows octonionic structure in the tangent space of imbedding space. One can also define octonionic gamma matrices and this allows a possible generalization of 4-D twistors to 8-D ones using generalization of sigma matrices representing quaternionic units to to octonionic sigma "matrices" essential for the notion of twistors. These octonion units do not of course allow matrix representation unless one restricts to units in some quaternionic subspace of octonions. Space-time surfaces would be associative and thus have quaternionic tangent space at each point satisfying some additional conditions.

Strong form of holography

Strong form of holography (SH) following from general coordinate invariance (GCI) for space-times as surfaces states that the data assignable to string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces allows to code for scattering amplitudes. The boundaries of string world sheets at the space-like 3-surfaces defining the ends of space-time surfaces at boundaries of causal diamonds (CDs) and the fermionic lines along light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces representing lines of generalized Feynman diagrams become the basic elements in the generalization of twistor diagrams (I will not use the attribute "Feynman" in precise sense, one could replace it with "twistor" or even drop away). One can assign fermionic lines massless in 8-D sense to flux tubes, which can also be braided.

One obtains a fractal hierarchy of braids with strands, which are braids themselves. At the lowest level one has braids for which fermionic lines are braided. This fractal hierarchy is unavoidable and means generalization of the ordinary Feynman diagram. I have considered some implications of this hierarchy (see this).

The existence of WCW demands maximal symmetries

Quantum TGD reduces to the construction of Kähler geometry of infinite-D "world of classical worlds" (WCW), of associated spinor structure, and of modes of WCW spinor fields which are purely classical entities and quantum jump remains the only genuinely quantal element of quantum TGD. Quantization without quantization, would Wheeler say.

By its infinite-dimensionality, the mere mathematical existence of the Kähler geometry of WCW requires maximal isometries. Physics is completely fixed by the mere condition that its mathematical description exists.

Super-symplectic and other symmetries of WCW are in decisive role. These symmetry algebras have conformal structure and generalize and extend the conformal symmetries of string models (Kac-Moody algebras in particular). These symmetries give also rise to the hierarchy of Planck constants. The super-symplectic symmetries extend to a Yangian algebra, whose generators are polylocal in the sense that they involve products of generators associated with different partonic surfaces. These symmetries leave scattering amplitudes invariant. This is an immensely powerful constraint, which remains to be understood.

Quantum criticality

Quantum criticality (QC) of TGD Universe is a further principle. QC implies that Kähler coupling strength is mathematically analogous to critical temperature and has a discrete spectrum. Coupling constant evolution is replaced with a discrete evolution as function of p-adic length scale: sequence of jumps from criticality to a more refined criticality or vice versa (in spin glass energy landscape you at bottom of well containing smaller wells and you go to the bottom of smaller well).

This implies that either all radiative corrections (loops) sum up to zero (QFT limit) or that diagrams containing loops correspond to the same scattering amplitude as tree diagrams so that loops can eliminated by transforming them to arbitrary small ones and snipping away moving the end points of internal lines along the lines of diagram (fundamental description).

Quantum criticality at the level of super-conformal symmetries leads to the hierarchy of Planck constants heff=n× h labelling a hierarchy of sub-algebras of super-symplectic and other conformal algebras isomorphic to the full algebra. Physical interpretation is in terms of dark matter hierarchy. One has conformal symmetry breaking without conformal symmetry breaking as Wheeler would put it.

Physics as generalized number theory, number theoretical universality

Physics as generalized number theory vision has important implications. Adelic physics is one of them. Adelic physics implied by number theoretic universality (NTU) requires that physics in real and various p-adic numbers fields and their extensions can be obtained from the physics in their intersection corresponding to an extension of rationals. This is also enormously powerful condition and the success of p-adic length scale hypothesis and p-adic mass calculations can be understood in the adelic context.

In TGD inspired theory of consciousness various p-adic physics serve as correlates of cognition and p-adic space-time sheets can be seen as cognitive representations, "thought bubbles". NTU is closely related to SH. String world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces with parameters (WCW coordinates) characterizing them in the intersection of rationals can be continued to space-time surfaces by preferred extremal property but not always. In p-adic context the fact that p-adic integration constants depend on finite number of pinary digits makes the continuation easy but in real context this need not be possible always. It is always possible to imagine something but not always actualize it!

Scattering diagrams as computations

Quantum criticality as possibility to eliminate loops has a number theoretic interpretation. Generalized Feynman diagram can be interpreted as a representation of a computation connecting given set X of algebraic objects to second set Y of them (initial and final states in scattering) (trivial example: X={3,4} → 3× 4 = 12 → 2× 6 → {2,6}=Y. The 3-vertices (a× b=c) and their time-reversals represent algebraic product and co-product.

There is a huge symmetry: all diagrams representing computation connecting given X and Y must produce the same amplitude and there must exist minimal computation. The task of finding this computation is like finding the simplest representation for the formula X=Y and the noble purpose of math teachers is that we should learn to find it during our school days. This generalizes the duality symmetry of old fashioned string models: one can transform any diagram to a tree diagram without loops. This corresponds to quantum criticality in TGD: coupling constants do not evolve. The evolution is actually there but discrete and corresponds to infinite number critical values for Kahler coupling strength analogous to temperature.

Reduction of diagrams with loops to braided tree-diagrams

  1. In TGD pointlike particles are replaced with 3-surfaces and by SH by partonic 2-surfaces. The important implication of 3-dimensionality is braiding. The fermionic lines inside light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces can be knotted and linked - that is braided (this is dynamical braiding analogous to dance). Also the fermionic strings connecting partonic 2-surfaces at space-like 3-surfaces at boundaries of causal diamonds (CDs) are braided (space-like braiding).

    Therefore ordinary Feynman diagrams are not enough and one must allow braiding for tree diagrams. One can also imagine of starting from braids and allowing 3-vertices for their strands (product and co-product above). It is difficult to imagine what this braiding could mean. It is better to imagine braid and allow the strands to fuse and split (annihilation and pair creation vertices).

  2. This braiding gives rise in the planar projection representation of braids to a generalization of non-planar Feynman diagrams. Non-planar diagrams are the basic unsolved problem of twistor approach and have prevented its development to a full theory allowing to construct exact expressions for the full scattering amplitudes (I remember however that Nima Arkani-Hamed et al have conjectured that non-planar amplitudes could be constructed by some procedure: they notice the role of permutation group and talk also about braidings (describable using covering groups of permutation groups)). In TGD framework the non-planar Feynman diagrams correspond to non-trivial braids for which the projection of braid to plane has crossing lines, say a and b, and one must decide whether the line a goes over b or vice versa.

  3. An interesting open question is whether one must sum over all braidings or whether one can choose only single braiding. Choice of single braiding might be possible and reflect the failure of string determinism for Kähler action and it would be favored by TGD as almost topological quantum field theory (TQFT) vision in which Kähler action for preferred extremal is topological invariant.

Scattering amplitudes as generalized braid invariants

The last big idea is the reduction of quantum TGD to generalized knot/braid theory (I have talked also about TGD as almost TQFT). The scattering amplitude can be identified as a generalized braid invariant and could be constructed by the generalization of the recursive procedure transforming in a step-by-step manner given braided tree diagram to a non-braided tree diagram: essentially what Alexander the Great did for Gordian knot but tying the pieces together after cutting. At each step one must express amplitude as superposition of amplitudes associated with the different outcomes of splitting followed by reconnection. This procedure transforms braided tree diagram to a non-braided tree diagrams and the outcome is the scattering amplitude!

See the the article From Principles to Diagrams or the chapter TGD Variant of Twistor Story of "Towards M-matrix".

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.


Ulla said...

It is proved that completely symmetric fibered links which have repeated symmetries of order 2 (e.g., the figure-8 knot) are characterized by their complement in the 3-sphere.

Anonymous said...

What is the radius of CP_2? said...

CP_2 radius can be fixed from p-adic mass calculations with uncertainty which corresponds to that for second order contribution to mass squared.

CP_2 mass is about M= 4*10{15} GeV whereas Planck mass is about 1.2*10^19 GeV. CP length is hbar/M and its ratio to Planck length scale is about (1.2/4)*10^4

Anonymous said...

Couple unrelated (or not) questions.

What is the TGD take and interpretation of Maxwel's Demon?

How does attention relate to Maxwel's Demon, if it does, in TGD view? said...

Interesting question. One must define what Maxwell's demon (MD) is and here one must talk about conscious intentional agents and standard thermodynamics is not enough. Conscious entity possesses conscious information
and also this must be defined. MD is very much like living system and one should also define it.

1. TGD forces to modify thermodynamics. Standard thermodynamics applies in time scales which are longer than the typical time scale of quantum coherence. TGD however predicts a hierarchy of Planck constants for which time scales are scaled up. Therefore it seems that thermodynamics and second law applies when one restricts consideration to visible matter assuming that the net effect of phase transitions change Planck constant vanishes. Also in case of dark matter it would apply in time scales longer than the scaled up time scale of quantum coherence.

2. To define MD one needs theory of consciousness. The basic variational principle of TGD inspired theory of consciousness is NMP stating that entanglement negentropy gain is positive in state function reductions: the contents of conscious experience is maximal. This negentropy defined as number theoretic variant of Shannon entropy is well defined for entanglement probabilities in given extension of rationals and can be negative unlike Shannon entropy. Therefore it is not just the negative of thermodynamial Shannon entropy. NMP is not in conflict with second law.

However, negentropic entanglement (NE) is stable under NMP so that reductions do not need to lead to unentangled state as ordinary reductions at same time producing the randomness giving rise to second law. This forces to consider the breaking of second law.

3. What about definition of living system? During its sequence of reductions to fixed boundary of causal diamond (CD) system performs repeated reduction in which the state at fixed boundary of CD and the boundary itself remain unaffected. At opposite boundary the state changes but the evolution is analogous to Schrodinger evolution and gives rise to experience flow of time. This is a model for life cycle of living entity.

In ZEO NMP however requires also that the first state function reduction to the opposite boundary of CD eventually occurs (and means what looks like death followed by reincarnation at opposite boundary of CD) and brings in randomness. This suggests that the lifetime of living system is the time scale above which one can apply thermodynamics and second law to the ensemble formed by systems in question.

This notion of living system is extremely general. Practically any system containing dark matter is living. The conservative guess is that second law applies also in dark matter and living matter but for time scales above the life time.

3. Concerning Maxwell demon. MD is intentional agent able to realize its intentions. Living systems are also such and this is essentially thanks to NMP and NE. MD=living system. MDs can perform their job only if they are alive! Ensemble of MDs obeys second law in time scales longer than lifetime of MD.

Anonymous said...

So, conservation laws are secure at larger scale according to "conservative guess", even though intentional agents can "loan from whole" at local scales?

Further questions,
1) phenomenon and experiencing we call "attention" does not purely reduce to intentional will, or not necessarily even agency? And NE and NMP could describe 'attention' also without aspect of intentional will of agent? The difference of meaning is subtle and difficult to express in natural language, how about more formal language? What I'm aiming for, intentional act (e.g. planning and building measurement device) consumes energy in classical sense, bad news for MD, but same does not necessarily hold for pure "passive" attention?

2) re "conservative guess" and scales and restrictions(?) of NMP, is there TGD relation to Gell-Mann totalitarian principle, which in Everettian models becomes Aristotelian principle "all potentialities must actualize". How Aristotelian and "many worlds" in this sense is NMP version of totalitarian principle? Starting from ZEO, if I understand it correctly, conservation laws etc. limitations to potentiality are far less limiting than e.g. in Evverettian models? Shouldn't restrictions of a model, any model, be based on deduction from most general principles of the model, instead of mere local guesswork?

3) The definition of lifetime of a living system sounds problematic in this context, in the sense that "life" seems and feels more like cycle of dying and rebirthing" on multiple scales, than a period between birth and death. said...

As conservation lawas are considered there is nothing new (Notether theorem) except the fact that zero energy ontology poses restriction to what we cannot say about Universe: the experienced universe is restricted inside CD.

1) The correlate for attention would be basically NE between subsystems involve: me and target of attention. Flux tubes connecting the systems and carrying dark matter supra current between systems would serve as a space-time correlate. The two systems could be also my subselves representing mental images about external world so that this need not be so radical as it sounds first.

I am not sure about passive attention. I have written about the relationship between NE and metabolism. The paradox is that the generation of NE tends to happen all the time spontaneously but it can means death of self and re-incarnation (this self does not believe). Hence self does its best to avoid the first reduction to opposite boundary increasing its NE and certainly taking place eventually. NMP wants NE and self can increase its NE without dying by eating other conscious entities! Tasty mental images!

Agency is stricly speaking approximate concept. To be precise one should talk only about experience of agency. Only experiences exist in strict sense, experiencer is convenient exaggeration reflecting materialistic philosophy in which consciousness is a property.

2) In ZEO any potentiality can actualize in principle: NMP however poses the restriction that in statistical sense negentropy increases so that it is very difficult to make Universe more stupid than it is;-). To me this is good news but difficult to believe.

The limitations of conservation laws are indeed much weaker since all zero energy states have vanishing total quantum numbers. One might perhaps say that what exists are events both as zero energy states and reductions between them.

"Everything not forbidden is not compulsory" is exaggeration but sounds good;-). Everettian view does not fit all in TGD framework and I cannot even make sense of it mathematically.

3) Definition of lifetime is indeed fractal. Conscious self has subselves have... Subselves it experiences as mental images. My mental images are good example of self which is born and dies and re-incarnate. I experience it directly.

Anonymous said...

"the fact that zero energy ontology poses restriction to what we cannot say about Universe: the experienced universe is restricted inside CD. "

I hope you see the enternal contradiction there yorself, It's quite funny one, the more you think it.

"in statistical sense negentropy increases so that it is very difficult to make Universe more stupid than it is"

print this on T-shirt, sells a million and makes world a better place. :) said...

Sorry for type: can- not cannot.