Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Are higher structures needed in the categorification of TGD?

The notion of higher structures promoted by John Baez looks very promising notion in the attempts to understand various structures like quantum algebras and Yangians in TGD framework. The stimulus for this article came from the nice explanations of the notion of higher structure by Urs Screiber. The basic idea is simple: replace "=" as a blackbox with an operational definition with a proof for $A=B$. This proof is called homotopy generalizing homotopy in topological sense. n-structure emerges when one realizes that also the homotopy is defined only up to homotopy in turn defined only up...

In TGD framework the notion of measurement resolution defines in a natural manner various kinds of "="s and this gives rise to resolution hierarchies. Hierarchical structures are characteristic for TGD: hierarchy of space-time sheet, hierarchy of p-adic length scales, hierarchy of Planck constants and dark matters, hierarchy of inclusions of hyperfinite factors, hierarchy of extensions of rationals defining adeles in adelic TGD and corresponding hierarchy of Galois groups represented geometrically, hierarchy of infinite primes, self hierarchy, etc...

In this article the idea of n-structure is studied in more detail. A rather radical idea is a formulation of quantum TGD using only cognitive representations consisting of points of space-time surface with imbedding space coordinates in extension of rationals defining the level of adelic hierarchy. One would use only these discrete points sets and Galois groups. Everything would reduce to number theoretic discretization at space-time level perhaps reducing to that at partonic 2-surfaces with points of cognitive representation carrying fermion quantum numbers.

Even the"{world of classical worlds" (WCW) would discretize: cognitive representation would define the coordinates of WCW point. One would obtain cognitive representations of scattering amplitudes using a fusion category assignable to the representations of Galois groups: something diametrically opposite to the immense complexity of the WCW but perhaps consistent with it. Also a generalization of McKay's correspondence suggests itself: only those irreps of the Lie group associated with Kac-Moody algebra that remain irreps when reduced to a subgroup defined by a Galois group of Lie type are allowed as ground states.

See the new chapter Are higher structures needed in the categorification of TGD? of "Towards M-matrix" or the article with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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