Saturday, January 27, 2018

Emotions as sensory percepts about the state of magnetic body?

What emotions are? How emotions are created? How are they represented: in brains, at body, or perhaps somewhere else? One can consider these questions from the point of view of neuroscience, endocrinology, and quantum physics. Emotions can be divided to lower level emotions accompanied by intention/need/desire (hunger is accompanied by the need to eat) and thus distinguishing them from sensory qualia whereas higher level emotions like catharsis and the experience of beauty not accompanied by any desire. What does does this division correspond to?

  1. TGD inspired answer to the questions is that emotions are sensory percepts about the state of magnetic body (MB). Sensory-motor loop generalizes: various glands excreting hormones to blood stream and binding to receptors give rise to the analog of motor output.

  2. Consider first neuronal level. Neural transmitters binding to receptors serve as bridges allowing to build connected networks of neurons from existing building bricks. They are accompanied by flux tube networks giving rise to tensor networks as quantum coherent entangled structures (tensor nets) serving as correlates of mental images and allowing classical signalling with light velocity using dark photons. These tensor networks represent our mental images only if they correspond to our sub-selves (see this).

    In a similar manner hormones give rise to networks of ordinary cells implying in particular that emotional memories are realized in (biological) body (BB). Nervous system gives information about the state of these networks to brain and hypothalamus serves as the analog of motor cortex sending hormones controlling the excretion of hormones at lower level glands.

  3. The hierarchy of Planck constants defines a hierarchy of dark matters and heff=n× defines a kind of IQ. The levels of MB corresponding to large/small values of n would correspond to higher/lower emotions.

MB decomposes to two basic parts: the part in the scale of BB and formed by networks having cells and larger structures as nodes (forming a fractal hierarchy) and the part in the scales larger than BB.
  1. In the scales larger than that of BB (long scales) the change the topology is not easy and the dynamics involves oscillations of MB - analogs of Alfwen waves - and analogs of ordinary motor actions changing the shape of flux tubes but leaving its topology unaffected (these actions might represent or serve as templates for ordinary motor actions in body scale (see this).

  2. In the scales larger than that of BB (long scales) the change the topology is not easy and the dynamics involves oscillations of MB - analogs of Alfwen waves - and analogs of ordinary motor actions changing the shape of flux tubes but leaving its topology unaffected (these action might represent or serve as templates for ordinary motor actions in body scale).

    Alfwen waves with cyclotron frequencies and generalized Josephson frequencies assignable to cell membrane as Josephson junction would be involved see this). The size scale of particular onion-like layer of MB corresponds to the wavelength scale for cyclotron frequencies and is proportional to heff/h=n for dark photons. For instance, alpha band in EEG corresponds to the scale of Earth but the energy scale of dark photons is that of bio-photons.

    The TGD inspired model of music harmony (see this) gives as a side product a model of genetic code predicting correctly the numbers of codons coding for aminoacids for vertebrate code. The model allows to see sensory percepts about the dynamics in large scales as analog of music experience. The notes of 3-chords of the harmony correspond to light as dark photons and frequencies defining the notes of the chord: cyclotron radiation and generalized Josephson radiation from cell membrane would represent examples of dark light. Music expresses and creates emotions and music harmonies would correspond to various emotional states/moods realized at the level of DNA and its dark counterpart (dark nuclei represented as dark proton sequences). MB would be like a music instrument with flux tubes serving as strings. It is difficult to assign any specific desire to large scale sensory percepts about MB and the interpretation as higher emotions - or rather feelings - makes sense.

See the article Emotions as sensory percepts about the state of magnetic body? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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