Saturday, June 02, 2018

LSND anomaly is here again!

Sabine Hossenfelder told about the finding of MinibooNe collaboration described in preprint Observation of a Significant Excess of Electron-Like Events in the MiniBooNE Short-Baseline Neutrino Experiment.

The findings give strong support for old and forgotten LSND anomaly - forgotten because it is in so blatant conflict with the standard model wisdom. The significance level of the anomaly is 6.1 sigmas in the new experiment. 5 sigma is regarded as the threshold for a discovery. It is nice to see this fellow again: anomalies are the theoreticians best friends.

To me this seems like a very important event from the point of view of standard model and even theoretical particle physics: this anomaly with other anomalies raises hopes that the patient could leave the sickbed after illness that has lasted for more than four decades after it became a victim of the GUT infection.

LSND as also other experiments are consistent with neutrino mixing model. LSND however produces electron excess as compared to other neutrino experiments. Anomaly means that the parameters of the neutrino mixing matrix (masses, mixing angles, phases) are not enough to explain all experiments.

One manner to explain the anomaly would be fourth "inert" neutrino having no couplings to electroweak bosons. TGD predicts both right and left-handed neutrinos and right-handed ones would not couple electroweakly. In massivation they would however combine to single massive neutrino just like in Higgs massivation Higgs gives components for massive gauge bosons and only neutral Higgs having no coupling to photon remains. Therefore this line of thought does not seem terribly promising in TGD framework.

For many years ago I explained the LSND neutrino anomaly in TGD framework as being due to the fact that neutrinos can correspond to several p-adic mass scales. p-Adic mass scale coming as power of 21/2 would bring in the needed additional parameter. The new particles could be ordinary neutrinos with different p-adic mass scales. The neutrinos used in experiment would have p-adic length scale depending on their origin. Lab, Earth's atmosphere, Sun, ... It is possible that the neutrinos transform during their travel to less massive neutrinos.

What is intriguing that the p-adic length scale range that can be considered as candidates for neutrino Compton lengths is biologically extremely interesting. This range could correspond to the p-adic length scales L(k)∼ 2(k-151)/2L(151), k= 151,157, 163, 167, varying from cell membrane thickness 10 nm to 2.5 μm. These length scales correspond to Gaussian Mersennes MG,k=(1+i)k-1. The appearance of four of 4 Gaussian Mersennes in such a short length scale interval is a number theoretic miracle. Could neutrinos or their dark variants with heff= n× h0 (h= 6× h0 is the most plausible option at this moment, see this and this) together with dark variants weak bosons effectively massless below their Compton length have a fundamental role in quantum biology?

For the TGD based new physics and also for LSND anomaly see chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic physics".

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

1 comment:

Greg Goble said...

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