Monday, January 07, 2019

Cosmological Axis of Evil as a memory from primordial cosmology

Axis of evil is very interesting CMB anomaly (thanks for Sky Darmos for mentioning it in FB discussion). It has been even proposed that it forces Earth-centeredness. According to the Wikipedia article :

"The motion of the solar system, and the orientation of the plane of the ecliptic are aligned with features of the microwave sky, which on conventional thinking are caused by structure at the edge of the observable universe. Specifically, with respect to the ecliptic plane the "top half" of the CMB is slightly cooler than the "bottom half"; furthermore, the quadrupole and octupole axes are only a few degrees apart, and these axes are aligned with the top/bottom divide."

This is indeed really strange looking finding. To my view it does not however bring pre-Keplerian world view back but is related to the possibility of quantum coherence even in cosmological scales predicted by TGD. It would also reflect the situation during very early cosmology, which in TGD framework is cosmic string dominated.

  1. The hierarchy of Planck constants heff=n×h0 implies the existence of space-time sheets with arbitrary large size serving as quantum coherent regions. heff=hgr assignable to flux tubes mediating gravitational interaction the value of heff can be gigantic. hgr= GMm/v 0, where M and m are masses such that M can be solar mass or even larger mass.

  2. Cosmic strings dominated the very early TGD inspired cosmology. They have 2-D projections to M^4 and CP_2 so that GRT is not able to describe them. During the analog of inflationary period the dimension of M^4 projection became D=4 and cosmic strings became magnetic flux tubes. Ordinary GRT space-time emerged and GRT started to be a reasonable approximation as QFT limit of TGD.

  3. Quantum coherence make possible long range correlations. One correlation of this kind could be occurrene of cosmic strings which are nearly parallel in even cosmic scales or more precisely nearly parallel at the time when the TGD counterpart of inflation occurred and the ordinary space-time emerged and cosmic strings thickened to magnetic flux tubes - a process directly corresponding to cosmic expansion. This time corresponds in standard cosmology the end of inflationary period.

    The volume that we observe via CMB now would correspond to a rather small volume at the end of the period when ordinary GRT space-time emerged and it is not too difficult to imagine that in this volume the cosmic strings would have formed a bundle nearly parallel cosmic strings. This property would have been preserved in good approximation during expansion. For instance, angular momentum conservation would have taken care of this if the galaxies along long cosmic strings had angular momenta in parallel: there is indeed evidence for this. Turning of cosmic string to a different direction would require a lot of angular momentum since also the galaxies should be turned at the same time.

  4. Cosmic strings thicknened to flux tubes would contain galaxies - pearls in necklace is good metaphor. Galaxies would be local tangles of flux tubes with topology of dipole type magnetic field in reasonable approximation. Also stars and planets would have formed in the similar manner. This leads to a rather detailed model for galaxy formation. See for instance this.

See the chapter More about TGD and Cosmology or the article Breaking of CP, P, and T in cosmological scales in TGD Universe.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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