Sunday, August 18, 2019

A visit to Baden-Baden

I participated a symposium held in Baden-Baden (31st International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics – InterSymp 2019: Symposium on Causal and Anticipative Systems in Living Science, Biophysics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity). The visit was pleasant: Baden-Baden is small town which has preserved its personal warm character.

I wrote a slightly extended version of the related article mentioning the recent experimental finding of Minev et al supporting zero energy ontology crucial for the approach. The following is the abstract of the article.

Topological Geometro-Dynamics (TGD) proposes a unification of fundamental interactions by identifying space-times as 4-surfaces in 8-D space H=M4× CP2, whose geometry codes for standard model symmetries and geometrizes known fields. Point-like particle is replaced with 3-surface (3-space). One ends up with the notions of many-sheeted space-time and magnetic body (MB) central in TGD inspired quantum biology. p-Adic and adelic physics follows from the extension of physics to describe also the correlates of cognition and imagination. Adelic physics predicts a hierarchy of Planck constants labelling phases of ordinary matter interpreted as dark matter: the predicted quantum coherence in arbitrarily long scales is crucial for quantum biology. Quantum TGD replaces standard ontology with "zero energy ontology" (ZEO) replacing quantum state as time=constant snapshot with zero energy state (ZES) identified as a superposition of deterministic classical time evolutions - kind of quantum program.

See the article TGD inspired theory of consciousness and living systems.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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