Friday, December 03, 2021

Spin Glasses, Complexity, and TGD

Spin glasses represent an exotic phenomenon, which remains poorly understood in the standard theoretical framework of condensed matter physics. Actually, spin glasses provide a prototype of complex systems and methods used for spin glasses can be applied in widely different complex systems.

A TGD inspired view about spin glasses is discussed.

  1. TGD view about space-time leads to the notion of magnetic flux tubes and magnetic body. Besides spins also long closed magnetic flux tubes would contribute to magnetization. The basic support for this assumption is the observation that the sum of the NFC magnetization and the FC remanence is equal to the NFC magnetization. Magnetic field assignable to spin glass would correspond to a kind of flux tube spaghetti and the couplings Jij between spins would relate to magnetic flux tubes connecting them.
  2. Quantum TGD leads to the notion of "world of classical worlds" (WCW) and to the view about quantum theory as a "complex square root" of thermodynamics (of partition function). The probability distribution for {Jij} would correspond to ground state functional in the space of space-time surfaces analogous to Bohr orbits.
  3. Spin glass is a prototype of a complex system. In the TGD framework, the complexity reduces to adelic physics fusing real physics with various p-adic physics serving as correlates of cognition. Space-time surfaces in H=M4× CP2 correspond to images of 4-surfaces X4⊂ M8c mapped to H by M8-H duality. X4 is identified as 4-surface having as holographic boundaries 3-D mass shells for which the mass squared values are roots of an octonionic polynomial P obtained as an algebraic continuation of a real polynomial with rational coefficients. The higher the degree of P, the larger the dimension of the extension of rationals induced by its roots, and the higher the complexity: this gives rise to an evolutionary hierarchy. The dimension of the extension is identifiable as an effective Planck constant so that high complexity involves a long quantum coherence scale.

    TGD Universe can be quantum critical in all scales, and the assumption that the spin glass transition is quantum critical, explains the temperature dependence of NFC magnetization in terms of long range large heff quantum fluctuations and quantum coherence at critical temperature.

  4. Zero energy ontology predicts that there are two kinds of state function reductions (SFRs). "Small" SFR would be preceded by a unitary time evolution which is scaling and generated by the scaling generator L0. This conforms with the fact that relaxation rates for magnetization obey power law rather than exponent law. "Big" SFRs would correspond to ordinary SFRs and would change the arrow of time. This could explain aging, rejuvenation and memory effects.
  5. Adelic physics leads to a proposal that makes it possible to get rid of the replica trick by replacing thermodynamics with p-adic thermodynamics for the scaling operator L0 representing energy. What makes p-adic thermodynamics so powerful is the extremely rapid converges of Z in powers of p-adic prime p.
See the article Spin Glasses, Complexity, and TGD or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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