Sunday, June 05, 2022

Self-organized quantum criticality and 1/f noise as a possible signature for the reversal of the arrow of time

Reza Rastmanesh sent a paper by Dmitri Zhukov with title "How the theory of self-organized criticality explains punctuated equilibrium in social systems" (see this)

Self-organized criticality (SOC) is a very interesting phenomenon. Systems with SOC are able to stay near criticality. This is difficult, maybe even impossible, to understand in standard ontology since critical states are repellors of the dynamics and the system is expected to approach a stable state rather than remaining near criticality.

One can understand SOC as a manifestation of zero energy ontology (ZEO),which forms the cornerstone of TGD-based quantum measurement theory and TGD inspired theory of conscious experience. "Big" and "small" state function reductions (SFRs), BSFR and SSFR are the basic notions. BSRR is the TGD counterpart of ordinary state function reduction but reverses the arrow of time. SSFR is the counterpart of "weak" measurement and much like classical measurement: in particular, the arrow of change is preserved.

  1. In TGD the magnetic body of a SOC system would be quantum critical and involve BSFRs in arbitrarily long scales at the level of MB. Since BSFR changes the arrow of time, the repellor becomes an attractor and the system would return to the vicinity of what was a repeller earlier. Homeostasis, which means an ability to stay near criticality, would be made possible by BSFRs: no complex biological control programs would be needed.
  2. The period of time reversed time evolution for BSFR would correspond from the viewpoint of an outsider with an opposite arrow of time to an apparently stable state. The time reversed evolution to the geometric past would send classical signals to the direction of the geometric past of the observer and they would not be received by an outsider in the geometric future. Hence time reversed states are difficult to observe if the time reversed system is totally in the geometric past of the receiver.

    In the case of MB this need not be the case and the receiver could be in the geometric past with respect to the signal source at MB and receive the "negative energy" signal of MB just as would happen in memory recall. This could correspond to anticipation. This was discussed in one of our articles.

  3. It would seem that BSFR corresponds to the "avalanche" from the point of view of an observer. Earthquakes (see this) represent one example of this kind of BSFR.
  4. 1/f noise is one basic characteristic of SOC and ZEO provides an explanation for it so that 1/f noise could be seen as evidence for ZEO. If the states of time reversed MB are near quantum criticality for BSFR, there are quantum fluctuations and by the scale invariance of the quantum dynamics of TGD they have 1/f spectrum.

    [Supersymplectic symmetry involves super-conformal symmetry and scaling invariance justifying 1/f, I just wrote an article about this related to p-adic mass calculations (see this) ]

There are two ways in which 1/f noise could be interpreted as signals sent by the time reversed SOC MB. There are two options.
  1. Suppose that the time reversed SOC MB is in the geometric past of the observer.

    Could the 1/f noise be induced by signals sent by the MB with a reversed arrow of time from the geometric past? These signals would be impossible in the standard classical world since they would propagate in the "wrong" time direction (which would now be the "right" time direction for their receiver!).

    "Negative energy signals" are assumed in the model of memory based on time reflection, which involves a BSFR for the system receiving or sending the signal. Could a subsystem of time reversed MB make BSFRs reversing their arrow of time so that they would send signals to the geometric future?

  2. Suppose that the observer is in the geometric past of the time reversed SOC MB. In this case the observer would receive the signal sent by MB propagating into geometric past and the receival would involve BSFR for some subsystem of the receiver.

    If this picture makes sense, 1/f signals could be seen as communications of time reversed systems with signals propagating in the observer's direction of time.

    So: if the time reversed systems exist and if they are also able to send signals also in the time direction of the receiver with some probability, the 1/f noise could be understood as a support for ZEO and TGD based model of memory recall as time reflection.

There is an amusing correspondence with everyday life. A period of sleep would be a counterpart for the silent period predicted by ZEO (sleep as a "small death") and near the wake-up the 1/f fluctuations would become stronger. EEG indeed shows 1/f noise. During aging the noise level increases: old people have problems with sleep as I know so well!

See the article Homeostasis as self-organized quantum criticality? the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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