Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Dark 3N-resonances and quantum teleportation

Could the communication by dark 3N-resonances (see for instance this), which is central for the TGD view about genetic code (see this and this), relate to quantum teleportation?

This is possible but requires modifying the previous assumption that the states of dark proton sequences are fixed and correspond to those of ordinary genes with which they are in energy resonance when communicating. One must loosen this assumption.

  1. Give up the assumption that cyclotron states of the dark 3N-proton are always the same and correspond to a gene. Assume that in some time scale, perhaps of order cyclotron time, dark proton sequences representing genes decay to the ground state configuration defining an analog of ferromagnet.
  2. Assume that some excited dark 3N-photon states, dark geme states, can be in energy resonance with ordinary genes, most naturally the nearest one if dark DNA strands are parallel to an ordinary DNA strand. Even this assumption might be unnecessarily strong. Dark 3N-proton would interact with its ordinary counterpart by energy resonance only when it corresponds to the dark variant of the gene.

    Same applies to dark genes in general. Only identical dark genes can have resonance interaction. This applies also to the level of other fundamental biomolecules RNA,tRNA and amino acids.

  3. What is this interaction in its simplest form? Suppose dark 3N- proton is in an excited state and thus defines a dark gene. Suppose that it decays by SFR to the ground state (magnetization) by emitting dark 3N-photon. If this 3N photon is absorbed in SFR by a dark proton sequence originally in ferromagnetic state, it excites by resonance the same gene. The transfer of entanglement takes place.

    This is nothing but quantum teleportation but without Alice, doing Bell measurements and sending the resulting bit sequences to Bob , performing the reversals of Bell measurements to rebuild the entanglement.

This suggests a modification of the earlier picture of the relation between dark and chemical genetic code and the function of dark genetic code.
  1. Dark DNA (DDNA) strand is dynamical and has the ordinary DNA strand associated with it and dark gene state can be in resonant interaction with ordinary gene only when it corresponds to the ordinary gene. This applies also to DRNA, DtRNA and DAA (AA is for amino acids).

    This would allow DDNA, DRNA, DtRNA and DAA to perform all kinds of information processing such as TQC by applying dark-dark resonance in quantum communications. The control of fundamental biomolecules by their dark counterparts by energy resonance would be only one particular function.

  2. One can also allow superpositions of the dark genes representing 6-qubit units. A generalization of quantum computation so that it would use 6-qubits units instead of a single qubit as a unit, is highly suggestive.
  3. Genetic code code could be interpreted as an error code in which dark proteins correspond to logical 6-qubits and the DNA codons coding for the protein correspond to the physical qubits associated with the logical qubit.
  4. The teleportation mechanism could make possible remote replication and remote transcription of DNA by sending the information about ordinary DNA strand to corresponding dark DNA strand by energy resonance. After that, the information would be teleported to a DNA strand in a ferromagnetic ground state at the receiver. After this, ordinary replication or transcription, which would also use the resonance mechanism, would take place.
Could there be a connection with bioharmony as a model of harmony providing also a model of genetic code (see this and this)?
  1. In the icosa-tetrahedral model, the orbit of the face of icosahedron under the group Z6,Z4, Z2,rot or Z2,refl would correspond to single physical 6-qubit represented as dark protein.

    This representation of the logical qubit would be geometric: orbit rather than sub-space of a state space. One could however assign to this kind of orbit a state space as wave functions defined at the orbit. This representation of Z6, Z4, Z2,rot or Z2,refl would correspond to a set of 6-qubits, which replaces a single 6-qubit.

  2. The TGD proposal for TQC \cite{btart/TQCTGD,QCCC} is that the irreps of Galois groups could replace qubits as analogs of anyons. Could these orbits correspond to irreps of Galois groups or their subgroups, say isotropy groups of roots?

    Another option is the finite subgroups G of quaternionic automorphisms, whose MacKay diagrams, characterizing the tensor products of irreps of G with the canonical 2-D irrep, give rise to extended Dynkin diagrams (see this). What puts bells ringing is that Z6,Z4, Z2,rot or Z2,refl are subgroups of the icosahedral group, which corresponds to the Dynkin diagram of E8.

    These alternatives need not be mutually exclusive. I have proposed (see this) that Galois groups could act as the Weyl groups of extended ADE Dynkin diagrams given by McKay graphs of finite subgroups of SU(2) interpreted as the covering group for the automorphism group of quaternions. The Galois group and its subgroup would define a cognitive representation for the subgroup of the covering group of quaternion automorphisms.

The communications by the modulation of frequency scale 3N-Josephson frequency scale are still possible.
  1. The 3N-resonance occurs when the receiver 3N-proton is in ferromagnetic ground state and the 3N-Josephson frequency corresponds to 3N-cyclotron frequency. If the time scale for the return to the ferromagnetic state is considerably shorter than the time scale of modulations, a sequence of resonance pulses results and codes for the frequency modulation as an analog of nerve pulse pattern. This communication can lead to communication if the ordinary gene accompanying the excited dark gene is in energy resonance with it.
  2. It must be noticed that the communications by dark 3N-resonances are not possible in standard physics and are made possible only by. Galois confinement and heff hierarchy. In standard physics only single photon fermion interactions would be present and would be relatively weak. In quantum computation, this suggests the possibility of quantum coherent manipulation of N-qubit states by dark N-photons instead of qubit-wise manipulations prone to errors and destroying the coherence. There is evidence for N-photon states with these properties (see this and this). For the TGD inspired comments see this.
See the article Quantum biological teleportation using multiple 6-qubits or the chapter TGD View about Water Memory and the Notion of Morphogenetic Field.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles related to TGD

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