Wednesday, September 14, 2022

TGD inspired model for freezing in nano scales

Freezing is a phase transition, which challenges the existing view of condensed matter in nanoscales. In the TGD framework, quantum coherence is possible in all scales and gravitational quantum coherence should characterize hydrodynamics in astrophysical and even shorter scales. The hydrodynamics at the surface of the planet such as Earth the mass of the planet and even that of the Sun should characterize gravitational Planck constant hgr assignable to gravitational flux tubes mediating gravitational interactions. In this framework, quantum criticality involving heff=nh0>h phases of ordinary matter located at the magnetic body (MB) and possibly controlling ordinary matter, could be behind the criticality of also ordinary phase transitions.

In this article, a model inspired by the finding that the water-air boundary involves an ice-like layer. The proposal is that also at criticality for the freezing a similar layer exists and makes possible fluctuations of the size and shape of the ice blob. At criticality the change of the Gibbs free energy for water would be opposite that for ice and the Gibbs free energy liberated in the formation of ice layer would transform to the energy of surface tension at water-ice layer.

This leads to a geometric model for the freezing phase transition involving only the surface energy proportional to the area of the water-ice boundary and the constraint term fixing the volume of water. The partial differential equations for the boundary surface are derived and discussed.

If Δ P=0 at the critical for the two phases at the boundary layer, the boundary consists of portions, which are minimal surfaces analogous to soap films and conformal invariance characterizing 2-D critical systems is obtained. For Δ P≠ 0, conformal invariance is lost and analogs of soap bubbles are obtained.

In the TGD framework, the generalization of the model to describe freezing as a dynamical time evolution of the solid-liquid boundary is suggestive. An interesting question is whether this boundary could be a light-like 3-surface in H=M4× CP2 and thus have a vanishing 3-volume. A huge extension of ordinary conformal symmetries would emerge.

See the article TGD inspired model for freezing in nano scales or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles related to TGD.

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