Monday, November 13, 2023

4-D generalization of holomorphies and Kac-Moody symmetries as isometries of the "world of classical worlds"?

Quite recently, I learned that the generalized holomorphies of space-time surfaces define non-trivial conserved charges. Also a generalization of Super-Kac-Moody charges associated with certain embedding space isometries emerges. This suggests a very close connection with string models and provides a possibility to provide answers to the longstanding questions relating to the identification of the isometry group of the "world of classical worlds" (WCW). Generalized holomorphy not only solves explicitly the equations of motion but, as found quite recently, also gives corresponding conserved Noether currents and charges.
  1. Generalized holomorphy algebra generalizes the Super-Virasoro algebra and the Super-Kac-Moody algebra related to the conformal invariance of the string model. The corresponding Noether charges  are conserved. Modified Dirac action allows to construct the supercharges having interpretation as WCW gamma matrices. This suggests an answer to a longstanding question related to the isometries of the "world of the classical worlds" (WCW).
  2. Either the generalized holomorphies or the symplectic symmetries of H=M4× CP2 or both together define WCW isometries and corresponding super algebra. It would seem that symplectic symmetries induced from H are not necessarily needed and might actually correspond to symplectic symmetries of WCW. This would give a close similarity with the string model, except that one has half-algebra for which conformal weights are proportional to non-negative integers and gauge conditions only apply to an isomorphic subalgebra. These are labeled by positive integers and one obtains a hierarchy.
  3. By their light-likeness, the light cone boundary and orbits of partonic 2-surfaces allow an infinite-dimensional isometry group. This is possible only in dimension four. Its transformations are generalized conformal transformations of 2-sphere (partonic 2-surface) depending on light-like radial coordinate such that the radial scaling compensates for the usual conformal scaling of the metric. The WCW isometries would thus correspond to the isometries of the parton orbit and of the boundary of the light cone! These two representations could provide alternative representations for the charges if the strong form of holography holds true and would realize a strong form of holography. Perhaps these realizations deserve to be called inertial and gravitational charges.

    Can these transformations leave the action invariant? For the light-cone boundary, this looks obvious if the light-cone is sliced by a surface parallel to the light-cone boundary. Note however that the tip of this surface might produce problems. A slicing defined by the Hamilton-Jacobi structure would be naturally associated with partonic orbits.

  4. What about Poincare symmetries? They would act on the center of mass coordinates of causal diamonds (CDs) as found already earlier (see this). CDs form the "spine" of WCW, which can be regarded as fiber space with fiber for a given CD containing as a fiber the space-time surfaces inside it.
The super-symmetric counterparts of holomorphic charges for the modified Dirac action and bilinear in fermionic oscillator operators associated with the second quantization of free spinor fields in H, define gamma matrices of WCW. Their anticommutators define the Kähler metric of WCW. There is no need to calculate either the action defining the classical Kähler action defining the Kähler function or its derivatives with respect to WCW complex coordinates and their conjugates. What is important is that this makes it possible to speak about WCW metric also for number theoretical discretization of WCW with space-time surfaces replaced with their number theoretic discretizations.

See the article About the Relationships Between Weak and Strong Interactions and Quantum Gravity in the TGD Universe or the chapter About Platonization of Nuclear String Model and of Model of Atoms or .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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