I have considered several candidates for this energy source and phase transitions reducing the value of the effective Planck constant heff, defining a hierarchy of effectively dark phases of ordinary matter, are the natural candidates. Note that the dark matter in this sense does not correspond to the galactic dark matter which would correspond to sum of the Kähler magnetic energy and volume energy parameterized by the analog of cosmological constant assignable to cosmic strings as extremely thin monopole flux tubes (see this).
Since monopole flux tubes play a key role in the mini Big Bangs, the identification of this energy as dark gravitational cyclotron energy associated with dark particles, in particular nucleons, should have been a natural first guess. In this article, this proposal is applied to several cases where a mini Big Bang could be involved. The applications include the proposed doubling of the radius of Earth in the mini Big Bang associated with the Cambrian expansion; the emergence of the Moon in an explosion throwing out a surface layer of Earth explaining the mysterious asymmetry between near and far sides of the Moon; the emergence of the two moons of Mars in similar explosions occurring for the hemispheres of Mars: this would explain the mysterious asymmetry of the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars. What is remarkable is that the scales of the gravitational cyclotron energies turn out to be consistent with the gravitational binding energy scales.
The recent model of the Sun (see this) relies on the crazy idea that both solar wind and solar energy are produced at the surface layer of the Sun consisting of nuclei of M89 hadron physics (see this and this) with a mass scale 512 times that of the ordinary hadron physics, which would transform to ordinary nuclei by p-adic cooling reducing the p-adic mass scale. Besides solar wind and solar eruptions, this process would produce planets as mini Big Bangs throwing out a layer of matter and also supernovas would be results of similar explosions.
Quite surprisingly, the cyclotron magnetic energy for M89 nucleons turns out to be equal to the nuclear binding energy per nucleon for M89 nuclei. This suggests that the p-adic cooling of M89 hadrons to ordinary hadrons begins with the splitting of M89 nuclear bonds producing free M89 nucleons. The final state could involve the decay of dark M107 nuclei with Compton length of electron and binding energy of order 10 keV to ordinary nuclei liberating essentially all the ordinary nuclear binding energy. Same decay would occur in "cold fusion" as dark fusion.
This model can be consistent with the standard model only if the transformation of the ordinary nuclei or nucleons produced in the p-adic cooling produces the same spectrum of the ordinary nuclei. This would be the case if the "cold fusion" as dark fusion would produce this spectrum and there are indications that this is the case: this has been interpreted as a demonstration that "cold fusion" is a fraud.
See the article What makes the mini Big Bangs energetically possible? or the chapter Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: Part I.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.
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